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The Aljazeera news channel provide us the authentic news in the enlish language that is really helpful way to understanding it
BARIRA, karachi Monday, May 27 2019

The Aljazeera English news channel is very nice thing having here so now you should get more details about any current news with the help of this way
yusra, karachi Monday, May 27 2019

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aroosh, lahore Sunday, December 16 2018

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Hamid, Karachi Friday, December 07 2018

BABAR HAYAT, BARCELONA( SPAIN) Monday, September 23 2013

Please don't mix Islamic laws implementation and terrorism,
What was continued for more than decades in Northern Ireland couldn't be attached with Christianity,

It is USA+ISRAEL who are exploiting situation,
Al-Qaeda is projected as monster but how it was penetrated in USA who had latest technology, all imagined criminology encounter techniques, BUT,
Why it was not investigated that Twin Tower collapsed?

For God sake address root cause,

Don't blame Islam, Muslim and avoid declaring Indigenous freedom movements as TERRORIST as West treating, Kashmiri's, Palestine, Myanmar and Mindanao freedom fighters,

Abdul Malik, Karachi Sunday, September 22 2013

Planting bombs at Worship Places is absolutely shameful,
Spreading of war against Terrorism is uncontrolled,

USA must investigate the Twin Tower incident,
Killing and counter attack is an endless bloody,horrible scenes,

USA+ISRAEL+INDIA and now Soviet Union at low profile doing unnecessary war against terrorism,

What these three highlighted forces played shameful war games in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan,
USA+ISRAEL sailing arms & ammunition,
Why Twin Tower incident happened,
An open investigation not conducted in USA,

Secret and hidden agenda is behind all blood shade,
It is an endless war,

For God sake stop killing,
The old wounds of human beings in Kashmir, Palestine, Mindanao and Myanmar are ignored,
Don't treat fire as solution of the problem,
Let allow peoples of their homeland to run and govern,

Overwhelmingly Majority of the Muslims hate war but USA+ISRAEL+INDIA are provoking war.
Don't extinguish fire with Petrol.
I had no intention to offend anybody but it is undeniable facts mentioned above.

Abdul Malik, Karachi Sunday, September 22 2013

wear is the democracy in this world? does the united nation cons-ant after a civil war occur at certain countries but haven't worry the inhumanity in Egypt?falastin, the 22 years in Somalia,does that show the united nation and Americans are not kin if NO let them take action in Egypt before it became like Syria
ahmed, mombasa Wednesday, September 18 2013

Bangladesh a bad name to "JUSTICE"

Political revenge by changing life sentence of Abdul Qadir Mulla to hang him.

Haseena is playing in Hindu's hand,
Stop joking with "JUSTICE"
Defeat your opponent in "ELECTION"

Jamat e Islami is the only party who could bring out Bangladesh from crises.

Abdul Malik, Karachi Tuesday, September 17 2013

its very nice news channel
ameer, islamabad Thursday, September 12 2013

Turmoil in Egypt,
Interior Minister , planted bomb???

It is drama of Foolish Fouji Janta and more foolish Interior Minister,
When crocodile gulp the living animal, it fire back when living animal start damaging crocodile stomach,

Egyptian Army tried to Gulp Muslim Brother Hood, an Elected President Mohammed Morsi,

Media restricted, Aljazeera banned, Satellite signals are jammed,
It is very old drama of all Dictators, Army Generals, Communist regimes (Now as an ideology no more Communism exists).

Indians are also very expert to stage this type of drama,

For God Sake finish fake drama, allow free democracy, reinstate Mohammed Morsi.

Abdul Malik, Karachi Thursday, September 05 2013

am wandering how senslence of egyptian sulturs killing thier on brothers,sisters and mothers, fathers ,children becouse of a made man who has a self intrest of being presdent(i know by now has a worn in his stormach(his a tool being used by outside hand but he wil regreat when the users reach their intrest, thier goals)
ahmed, mombasa Wednesday, September 04 2013

Why Aljazeera closed in Egypt???
Shutting mouth, that closing Aljazeera in Egypt clearly indicated that Abdul Fatah Sisi is "CRIMINAL"

Hiding truth can't change ground reality,
Don't become "OSTRICH" who hide his head under sand to protect against enemy attack,

If Army is on right path, why excessive continue? , stopping media to deliver news, Kangaroo court announcing trial,
It is "JOKE",

No more Army rule is acceptable,
Release Mohammed Morsi and back to power,
No army can win war against it's countrymen.
Rabia VV, two victory sign has become popular "SING" of peoples resistance.
Abdul Malik, Karachi Wednesday, September 04 2013

Egypt gov, army dictator run
now , they are completely unaware what is free and fare gov, why the stop al jazeera media in Egypt, free and fare reporting is right of every citizen in this world,,,Egypt dictator stop harassing Al Jazeera media...we condemn this kind of Army dictator act against media...
Tanvir islam , chicago Wednesday, September 04 2013

Turmoil in Egypt
If Abdul Fatah Sisi is on right path as He and every fascist claimed,

Why Journalist are arrested, Satellite Signals are jamming, Several Journalist died while they were taking live shots???

Army is "CORRUPT" they are enjoying foreign aids, Lavish life standard maintained,

Sisi you are "PUPPET" you are "CRUEL Killer", You have toppled elected government,
You did crime and you should be brought in to court for TRIAL???

Mohammed Morsi is legitimate elected president, there is no doubt about it.

Abdul Malik, Karachi Tuesday, September 03 2013

Choudhry Moin Uddin A Bangladeshi Journalist interview by Jonan Hull,
The present regime of Bangladesh running Kangaroo Court,
The international players who helped, sponsored, financed Mukti Bahni which is known as liberation Army of Bengali Peoples,

Haseena Wajid ruling country under the "UMBRELLA" of Indian, Socio, Political and Military support,

All rubbish is going on with Hindu Chankia support,

My Question to Bangladeshi supporter,
Why Pakistani General Niazi surrendered to Indian General Arora,
Why Mukti Bahni didn't take this important historical moment???

It is on record that Indra Gandhi said "The Idealogy of Pakistan drowned in "KHALEEJ e Bengal"
What is Idealogy of Pakistan???
Hindo and Muslims are two different nations,

Hindu worship "COW" as Muslims and billion of people through the world "Eat COWS"

Without doubt, Islam is real challenge to so called Secular, Progressive, Enlighten Moderates, that's why any where Political Islam is not allowed to work, deliver their message and being labelled as "ABUSE"

Why Haseena Wajid didn't bring on "TRIAL" Pakistani Generals and Army men who had done killing(As Bengali secularist claimed).

To support legitimate government is not crime,
Mukti Bahni did all sabotage with Hindu India support,

How more than ninety thousands soldiers handed over to Pakistan without trial??
It is fake horror drama, Kangaro Court,
Please take care on health, safety, stop corruption in Bangladesh,
What happened in Garment factory, how much cheap is life of a common men in Bangladesh??

Don't work under Hindu mentality,
Abdul Malik, Karachi Monday, September 02 2013

tv channels softwere
RaisSajidAsghar, mirpur Khas Monday, September 02 2013

Rape and murder case, punishment only three years,
Yes this strange Justice appeared in "INDIA", >>>> (It is blow to deceased Family)

Is it the real picture of Secular, the Big Democracy in the world?

For God sake if it had happened in Pakistan, the entire world media, so called progressive, Secularist, started blaming Muslims, Moulvi, Madarsas, Pakistani Constitution,

It is dual standard,
The deceased family, demanding hanging punishment,
All Religions specially Old Testaments, Qura'an declared death sentenced for Killer.

It is really a Joke and purely discrimination against women,

Why India not stopping, gang rapes, Sexual harassment???
Abdul Malik, Karachi Sunday, September 01 2013

Morsi Supporters demonstrated on Jumah 30th Aug-2013
In spite of of massive military arm power, It is highly appreciated that Anti Coup Protesters demonstrated with Symbol of "RABIA " VV >> Two Victory Sign,

No doubt about that Army action is backed by USA+SAUDI ARABIA+UAE and Silent happy supporter"ISRAEL"

Mohammed Morsi is Legitimate an Elected President in 4500 years Egyptian History.

All bloodshed, excessive had done by Military Janta,
The only solution is to restore Morsi back.
Abdul Fatah Sisi is "TRAITOR"
Sisi should brought in court to trial.
Abdul Malik, Karachi Friday, August 30 2013

Strike on Syria and Soviet Union stance.
It is UNO to take joint action,
Only debate, Security Council Veto is delay game,

It would boost Bashar Ul Asad moral to kill and wipe out opponents by CHEMICAL WEAPONS,

Heinous crime against humanity must not be ignored,
It is not the matter of Syrian Civil War,

International community should joint hand and take a joint action,
It must not be inclined favor to any group.

Hurry up, don't delay, it is matter of killing innocent unarmed civilians.
Abdul Malik, Karachi Friday, August 30 2013

Egypt gov, must release al Jazara reporter and Journalist , it is patty to arrest a reporter who was reporting in Egypt, every one have a right free and fare reporting...
Tanvir, chicago Friday, August 30 2013

what syirian president is a muslim(i think noo),why in syria innocent peoples are dying.where are muslim,,i think bishart ul asad is a biggest terrioest in the world,
BABAR HAYAT, barcelona(spain) Wednesday, August 28 2013

in syria the use of chemical weapons is against the law of the world.i think president of syria is a terriorest.
BABAR HAYAT, [email protected] Tuesday, August 27 2013

Fifty School closed in Chicago USA.
A sad news and I would say the morning day.

It is very surprising for me that USA that helped spend heavy budget through out world, specially on "WAR" in its country "CHICAGO" fifty school closed and safe passage for Students has become gangsters street,

Really a mourning day,
USA is one of the great democracy, paradise for emigrants is no more "PARADISE"
Very surprising that schools are closed ???
Mr. Obama President of United States of America really a blow for your regime.
Abdul Malik, Karachi Monday, August 26 2013

Trial of Muslim Brotherhood.
Army under Abdul Fatah Sisi who betrayed his supreme Commander Mohammed Morsi a legitimate elected President in the history of Egypt,

When Army become a party deposed an elected President, how any International Law and code of ethics allows Army to conduct trial on Muslim Brotherhood,

Army wants to enjoy the Aids coming from frightened Arab Ameer, Kings and silent support of USA.

Honestly speaking USA as super Power for vested interest dislikes any Democratic Government,
USA always in comfort zone when Reza Shah of Iran, Saudi Kings, Gulf States puppet rulers and surely in recent past n Pakistan when Perveez Musharraf surrendered.

An Elected Government debates, argue and suggest appropriate measures but USA can't sustain the Democratic process.

Morsi had clear stance to make Egypt an independent, economically strong and an active member of Arabs politics,

Gaza embargo, Rafah Crossing Border which is fragile matter for Israel had played vital role to deposed Mohammed Morsi,

The ongoing trial is a joke which must be stopped,

International Democratic loving countries should play an active role to restore Mohammed Morsi and stop ongoing "DRAMA of Trial"

A Democratic Egypt will help to establish harmony in Arab Peninsula, we must support "MORAL"
Abdul Malik, Karachi Monday, August 26 2013

Use of Chemical weapons in Syria??
Yes it used by either Syrian Government or Opponents of Bashar Ul Asad.

Both are claimed Muslims and blaming each other.
The chronic religious conflicts (Shia and Sunni) this is not easy split but having a complex of conflicts,

As Muslims have no international leader to address this issue and enemy of Muslims not only united but having agenda to widen the gapes between rival Muslims sects,

We can visualized it "Successful strategy" but it is not simple to keep away the wolfs away the walls,

Polarization, disintegration, chaos and quarreling each other is like infected rotten wounds, no matter these wounds appeared either in Muslims community or in Christians,

Hindus intend to join this hatred race but their internal conflicts and engaging India with it's neighbor countries not allowed to do so,

Who is an ultimate "BENEFICIARY" ???
Try to find out that nation, group, country either big or small,
I am sure enough to say that "ISRAEL" is in safe heaven but it is like an OSTRICH who hides its head in sands when its enemy attacked.

If we realized that disgracing humanity, killing of innocents men, women and Children' is a heinous crime,

As human being we must stop this on going violence and safe humanity.

Let us work to unite peoples instead of disintegrating them.
Religion means peace and harmony,

Allah Almighty (God) has granted limited power to exercise an individual and collectively in groups of peoples which we called them and identified as , Americans, Indians, Chinese, Israeli, Arabs or Pakistani,

Let us to unite on common goals but not for to unite to widen gapes, supporting quarreling groups,
Abdul Malik, Karachi Sunday, August 25 2013

streaming is poor, boost up it, please.
sanaullah khoso , kashmore Saturday, August 24 2013

brother plz tell the truth before the people bz morsi govt is legal and contitutional.51%people vote for morsi presidency but unfortunetly present madia is own three people who is jews.bascally these people are aganist islamic system for that perpose the get up sasi to depose morsi by mean of illegal and uncontitutinal way but must be rember the last victory islamic politico-socio and economic system inshallah.
mushtaq hussain, peshwar Friday, August 23 2013

Tragedy of Turmoil Egypt. Corrupt Dictator Hosni Mubarak being released and Elected President imprisoned.
Hosni MUbarak the Dictator who ruled Egypt for more than three decades, involved in corruption, mass revolution toppled Hosni Mubarak regime,

An Elected President in 4500 years Egypt History won the election after crossing three hurdles,

After a planned conspiracy of so called liberals, Coptic Christians Army Generals, deposed Mohammed Morsi, which overwhelmingly labelled as Army Coup but Obama and USA Administration still searching appropriate Terminology to call what to say About Abdul Fatah Sisi,

But Tragedy is that Corrupt Hosni Mubarak is released by Court,
What is credibility of Egyptian Court that Criminals are honored and Elected President is deposed, innocents sit in protesters killed in snipers shooting,

Rabia Mosque Burnt, highly respected Murshad Mohammed Badie caught and imprisoned, his son killed in sniper firing.
Abdul Malik, Karachi Thursday, August 22 2013

Chemical attack by Present Regime in Syria.
Strong Condemned,
Strong Protest,
Exchange of Statement,
Big Forces, like USA, Germany, UK, France, (China???), Russia?,

All Muslims rulers are looking to their Masters,
Iran So called Revolutionary Supporting Present Fascist Regime, Bashar Ul Asad,
Hizbullah of Lebanon, had also played heinous role,

UNO just like Oath Commissioner, what we experienced out side Pakistan Judiciary Building Surrounding, having dozens of "STAMPS"
To fulfill court's requirement a plaintiff bound to get stamped from Oath Commissioner, otherwise legal proceeding not started,

As Muslims pending problems like Kashmir Plebiscite (Promised by Nehru in UNO), Palestine, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now EGYPT, SYRIA,

UNO (Like Oath Commissioner in Pakistan) not bother, he/she Oath Commissioner takes his fees, stamped the paper,

But in exemplary cases when "CHRISTIAN INTEREST INVOLVED" UNO become most powerful organization " (Pl see North Sudan, East Taemur in Indonesia,

For God sake please get rid of Hippocratic attitude and truly work for human interest.

Abdul Malik, Karachi Thursday, August 22 2013

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