Of Military and Jihadi ----- Some One and Some thing

(Muhammad Anees Hanif, Karachi)

Each time I see Mufti Abdul Qavi arguing with Veena Malik or with With Ali Saleem a.ka Begum Nawazish Ali about their unacceptable ways , I ask myself as to what message does it send across or Mufti Naeem asking our so-called intellectuals( who were once all leftists till Soviet Union fell to the students of the same Mufti Naeem ) to define extremism, and in return our so-called intellectuals demanding the Muftis and political mullahs to speak a word or two about the Taliban, I sense that something is missing in the debate, someone isn’t on the table and the fight is going no where.

Let’s just find this some one and something.

The very day we created Taliban, i.e. in 80’s; we created them to rule Afghanistan and the Tribal Belt and branded them as our strategic assets. Taliban were in Afghanistan and the mentality was every where, even in Muree ( a tourist destination). The mentality was all supported by our military junta (the real rulers of Pakistan) and was taught to our children, even in schools and was termed as our national aim, so much so that Bhutto was celebrated only because he gave us the nukes and OIC Conference. Mujahideen were our local heroes, and those who sent their children to Kashmir and Afghanistan were lauded , if not every where, at least in their muhallah. Poor common man ( the one we all hate now) gave blood, toil, tears and sweat willfully. But Lo and behold, Just when the 80’s generation was out there, all prepared to execute the minutes necessary to attain this national aim, our famous General U -turn Musharraf wanted them to forget all about the AIM (no matter it was right or wrong) , matters of ummah do not concern us and we shall all raise and believe in the slogan of “Sub se pehlay Pakistan” . Those intellectuals, who were once branded as traitors (some of them were even exiled) were back and back on a free media, all ready to support the U-turn.

Common man is perplexed, as I am, when I watch

Mufti Abdul Qavi arguing with Veena Malik…………… Mufti naeem………………………to say a word or two about the Taliban…..

THE SOME ONE who is NOT ON THE TABLE whenever Taliban are discussed is Pakistan’s Military Junta who created the monster and mentality and common man complied. They must explain it to common man whose son died while fighting in Kashmir that his son is a Martyr or a bomb blowing terrorist.

The SOMETHING that is not on the table is that why we are branding all the Maderssa- going, beard-sporting section of our society as Taliban? If we make fun of their mentality, the mentality that our own establishment gave them and write off this whole section of society as Taliban. Taliban will only increase in numbers……

Let’s bring this SOMEONE against the common man .

SOMETHING will follow…….

Muhammad Anees
About the Author: Muhammad AneesA Student of Mass Communication.. View More