
(Muhammad Ibrahim, Faisalabad)

From dreams to soul, from science to faith

There are two questions about dreams

1: What is the purpose of dreams?
2: How do we dream?

Several theories have been proposed which answer one or both of these questions but here I'm gonna discuss only three which I think are some how connected with each other

1: According to Sigmund Freud dreaming is for wishfulfilment, we dream what we wish for.(This explains why people dream of flying)

2. According Rosalind Cartwrigtht she considers as dream problem solving
( This explains why we sometimes have wierd dreams such as becoming tiny and riding a bee perhaps this is problem solving+ wishfulfillment)

3.Allan Hobson's theory answer both of the question , according to him dreams are by-product of neural impulses

Let's analyse these theories
Counter Question : If dreams are wish fulfillment why do we have nightmares and night terrors?
Counter Question: If dreams are problem solving, again why do we have nightmares?
Counter Question: If dreams are by-products and accidental why they are so meaningful sometimes and seem like a story?

And what about those dreams which inform a person about future or the past or something like threat and is claimed to be true.
Part 2 Religion's Perspective:

According prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him there are 3 types of dreams
1: Rahmani: the dreams which are by God, to convey you some message( This explains why we dream about future events , threats etc occur; like Abraham Lincoln saw dream of his assination before being assasinated and the dream of Julius Caeser's wife who dreamt about his death by being stabbed before his death by being stabbed by his friend Marcus Brutus and other members of senate )
2:Shaitani: The bad dreams which are by Satan ( This explains why we have nightmare and bad dreams)
3: Nafsani: Dreams constructed by ownself (nafs) which can be for wishfulfillment (This is what Freud also says) and may be for some other purposes also
According to Freud's psychoanalytical beliefs and according to regious beliefs dreams are symbolic but Freud interpretation of different symbols was totally absurd, senseless and illogical.Regious scholars often have logical interpretation and prophets were expert in interpreting dream remember the dreams and there interpretations in Surah Yusuf.
Psychologists and Oneirologolist believe that a person dream 5,6 times a night but doesn't remeber it.

Why do we forget dreams ?
Sleeping is an altered state of mind in which we are not fully concious and can not store dreams in our memory because we are not concious, a person remembers dream when he wakes up suddently after the dream , at that time he becomes concious and is easy ablento recall his dreams and when he recalls it is stored in his memory.

Why do we wake during dreams?

Any problem such as if you have to urinate can wake you and interrupt your dreaming but  m not sure about it but I believe while nightmare our nervous system shifts from rest position to flight or fight, from parasympathetic to sympathetic. Endorphines are harmones which released by one the glands in your head perhaps pineal gland or pituitary gland which are released while sleeping , they make person feel relax and soothing when we percieve danger in our dreams fight or flight respose activates which makes andrenaline glands to release andranaline harmone and uses body's energy for "fight or flight" instead of resting and using energy in metabolism and other internal bodily processes which are beneficient for the body, the shift from rest (endorphines) to "fight or flight"(andrenaline) wakes up the person. That is why we remeber nightmares more often because we get afraid , The shift takes place and then we wake up and become concious and remember the dream.

People often dream about what they are obssessed with, in a stage of dreaming brain is more active than while awaking, we can not make faces by ourself in dreams, we see what have seen, we expieranced what we have senses that's why blind people also dream but do no see anything in dreams but hear or touch.

Let's get back to problem sloving theory of dreams

Many of the inventions were came as an idea in dream such as

Mandaleeves periodic table

Sewing machine

and there was an indian guy who would invent theorems in his dreams he sees and indian goddess teaching those to him, he has invented 6000 theorems

we see what we are obssesed with this guy would be religious and would be obessesed with theorems

It means these innovating dreams are problem solving dreams , I think these might occur when your obssessed with some problems and it becomes your wish , this kind of dreams can be said nafsani as it is contruct by ownself whether it is a wish to be fulfilled or the problem to be solved.

One can also manage the content of his dreams by practising this kind of dreams are called lucid dreams, I have experianced it once but I was not able to control my surroundings but myself for a short time

Once I was dreaming and came know that m dreaming , when I came to know the dream ended and I woke up

With these evidences I can conclude that dreams are about wishfulfilment and problem solving

why do we dream?
How do we dream?

I will study that later

Researchers have found intelliigent people face difficulty in sleeping, perhaps because they keep on thinking which prevents them from sleeping but I have found a way to sleep and prevent yourself from thinking more

Keep on thinking something which makes you feel good, which makes you relax and think of that same scene again and again do not attempt to modify it or modifying will prevent you from sleeping because once you have made an idea you can think about that again and again which will make your brain used to that idea and you won't think anything else just that idea, it prevents you from thinking further and gradually makes you sleep , if you make effort to think more it won't allow you to sleep easily, so don't make any efforts, just relax, that is the reason people count sheep to sleep because thinking of the sam idea all the time prevents us from thinking further as I have said.
According to the Holy Quran God takes our souls when we sleep and gives it back when we are to awake.
1-If soul is not present in the body how can we see dreams?
Answer:Because the body sees dreams and remebers them, soul is not concerned with any intellectual activity and our body doesn't seem require soul because all the cognitive processes are governed by body that is how we remain alive even when not having soul, soul is very difficult to understand may be it's the entity which makes one differ from and other. Soul needs a body to live, our body is our soul's tool which it uses for thinking and other cognitive processes

soul doesn't have its own memory soul
depends on body for its memory. Our body
doesnt seem to require soul for its existence
because memory saves in brain and all the
motor and sensory actions are through body
and brain, that's why on the judgement day
the soul will go in heaven or hell with a new
body because all kinds of pleasures and pains
can only be experianced by our body but soul
is important because it's what which makes
us different from others otherwise we have
same structured body same looking brain (different faces don't matter )

The concept of soul.is very difficult understand, somepeople consider it as body's software but its not mind is.

Perhaps human will not ever be able to understand soul

(workes hard on this today I hope you enjoyed)

Muhammad Ibrahim
About the Author: Muhammad Ibrahim Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.