Education advantages

(Uzair Ahmed, karachi)

At the outset we must have to know the meaning and sense of Education before highlighting the Society so we could recognize whether education helps to understand the society or not as without going to background, deeply study the education and society as well as without knowing their essence only to say that education helps to understand society will not be upright. What is Education? What is the purpose of Education? It is spiritual fact that education and knowledge is the property and a bequest of Prophets and their deputies also it is a means of going to supremacy. It is awareness about the Lord of Universe, awareness of His Heavenly Books, awareness of His creatures and above all awareness how the mortal life is led so that true success is got in immortal life so that we could not be ashamed in the DoomsDay before Allah – the Lord of the Universe. Further, it is the process of learning through Heavenly and Worldly Books and by following its disciplines, works for the welfare of mankind and other creatures are carried out. Someone says that it is self-enlightening activity as it gives knowledge, builds character, leads to career progression, helps national progression and closes prison of ignorance. Basically education can be divided into four layers:-
i) Pre-School Education
ii) School Education (Primary to University level)
iii) Religious Education
iv) Spiritual Education

Pre-School Education:
It is the tutoring that is imparted by parents or other caring persons of child. It is the critical education and if this education is given in enlightening way the impact of it will determine the child’s future way of life and certainly after grown up he would be a positive figure of the society. On the other end if his pre-school education is gloomy it would put negative impact on his future life and he might become a curse for the society.

School Education
Schooling education starts with varied age. Generally it spans over 16 years, During this long period of education a person gets a lot of knowledge, trainings and expertise from teachers, trainers and guardians which determine his future positive activities if he follows the disciplines of training and teachings in its true sense.

Religious Education
Generally there is no age and stage of religious education. It starts from the birth and ends on death. It has been reported that religious education creates conflicts amongst the people and divides people among different sects relating to religion. But it is fact that if we remove religion from our lives conflict would emerge with more extreme way rather than ends up. It is also fact that without religion life is lifeless as man cannot get true satisfaction from worldly education and he has to seek religious education for his mental and spiritual satisfaction.

Spiritual Education
Spiritual education is a part of religious education as in spiritual education spirit is refined instead of body because body is mortal whereas spirit is immortal. Body is buried whereas spirit is varied. Body is visible whereas spirit is invisible. Body can be captured whereas spirit cannot be captured. If we want to rid of the time and space limitation we have to get perfection in spiritual education and when perfection is got we can capture the time and space. Perfection in spiritual education is not an easy task. It involves a lot of practices, prayers, observing virtuosity and virtues under the guidance of Heavenly Books then at last with the will of Allah perfection in spiritual education is got.

Education and learning has great importance in the Universe and all the developed countries are giving weight to Education in their Annual Budgets but it is regretted that a large number of countries are not allocating reasonable amount for boosting of education in their budgets due to which their youths are scattered and involved in mal-practices. It is established fact that one factor of extremism is lack of education therefore the countries who are far behind in education must initiate strategy for boosting up education by way of similarity in education system which certainly will reduce extremism and other social evils. The developed and rich countries must help the poor countries for boosting up education in their own interest.

Interaction with the people living in the area or areas is known as society since they meet each other and have social relations as well as participate in grief and happiness of one another. In broad way we can say that society is social, industrial, economical, commercial, religious and spiritual interaction with people irrespective of their faith, cast, status, nationality, sex and religion because society is usually consisted of different ethnic groups. It may also be possible that a society is consisted of a particular ethnic or religious group. It has been reported that in some countries like the United State of America, France and Latin America, the term “Society” is used in commerce to express a partnership between investors or the start of business. In U.K. partnerships are not called Societies but cooperatives or mutual interactions are often known as Societies. As cry of one person is usually not heard by authority against the cry of a group of people like this an organized society can enable its members to benefit in different ways which would not otherwise be possible on an individual basis.

From the above discussion it has emerged clearly that Education is essential for society as it helps to understand the disciplines of society. It provides the knowledge of anthropology and sociology that serves not only the society but also the nations and the governments of the world as a whole. Further society is emotional brain whereas education is rational brain and evidently rational brain supersedes emotional brain because it teaches not only skill but also sympathy and empathy both. It is also clear that without education we cannot understand the pros and cons of society and cannot benefit and protect ourselves from the goodness and illness of society. As education gives significance to life and it is never ending human activity like this interaction with society is never ending phenomenon of the world. We need people and people need us as we are dependent to each other. We cannot live without people and to understand people education is a must. Education teaches us responsibilities and rights of human beings which are integral parts of society as without observing responsibilities we cannot claim our rights morally because responsibilities and rights travel side by side. Further a civilized society cannot be emerged without education and if a Government wants to establish civilized societies in their country it must boost up education by way of setting up schools, colleges and universities as well as vocational training centres in all over the country under war-footing basis because only the education is the source of development, growth, ascent, skill and strength of a nation. Education provides mental, physical and moral training which helps society in diversified ways. As the basic objective of education is mental, physical and moral training like this the basic objective of an organized society is to provide moral and materials support to inhabitants of the society and without true education it cannot be possible.

In the present age the moral deficiency which is being seen in the society can certainly be attributed to lack of education which is creating troublesome and spreading panic as well as alarming the people of the country which can only be removed if youths are imparted and adorned with true education by way of One Tier System and no anomaly in imparting education is witnessed. In short we can bluntly say th

Uzair Ahmed
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