
(Uzair Ahmed, karachi)

There is only one key to success in life, that is to take control of life, and in order to become a successful person you should take control of time. Prosperous person makes best use of time and he has all the time in the world to perform while abortive man has always excuses of time shortage. There is no shortage of time for anyone. In fact we have to search for time and time does not wait for you. Triumpher has 24 hours so an unsuccessful person has also the same time but it depends on the person how he materializes these 24 hours. A happy person puts effort only on momentous tasks and gets best results while the unhappy has reasons of failure.

Time is such an invaluable that who manages the time becomes prosperous. Time is estimable than money, the most expensive jewel of the world. Time is like an ice which is thawing all the time. If you cannot make proper use of time it will be over for you.
The importance of time is estimated by the sayings of our Holy Prophet (PBUH). “Even on the arrival of judgment day, don’t waste your time and plant an offset”.

We can use time for success. Time is a wealth, and uses it like a wealth.
Following points should be considered seriously in order to get success.

Important tasks:
Use your invaluable time for the most important jobs. Set your priorities, the most important task needs your attention first. So when you start a new task, always raise a question whether it is towards your goal or not. Also raise another query that if this job is the most important or top prior job is waiting in queue.

In order to use best of time, you should always plan before starting a new job. Make upfront planning. The key to success based on how much you are focused on planning. Research shows that 1 minute planning saves 10 minutes practical work. Planning helps you to think and understand the things better. Plan in writing form is a better option. Always start a new day with a plan in your mind. So as plan entire week before to start a new week. Some experts say that weekly planning is better than day to day planning. Planning covers the routine jobs as well two or three important tasks which will guide you through to the destination.

One Task at a Time:
People try to perform multiple tasks at a time, as a result they fail to complete neither of them and finished the job despairingly. Basic principle of time management is to do one work at a time, especially most important job needs full attention.

Set Dead Line:
Another important rule of time management is to set dead line for each task. According to a research, time is being adjusted according to time, for example if you set 10 days timeframe for a job it will be completed in 10 days. Allocate proper time for every task and then follow the procedure strictly.

Use time waiting in a Positive Way:
Time wastage is a common practice In our society. Especially in marriage functions which always start ignoring the importance of time. Salesman waits for a long time to meet boss. You will be on time but have to wait for other person. Sometimes you are standing in a long queue and so much time wastes. This time can be saved. You should read book, prepare notes or plan your future. One of my cousin , is an officer walks to the office instead of using car. During his walk he always plans the entire day’s working.

Uzair Ahmed
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