(Source: hajjumrahguide)

Makkah (Mecca) is located 70 km from Jeddah, a seaport and international airport where all Hajis (Pilgrims) disembark. It is the holiest city in Islam and a pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah is obligatory upon all able Muslims. Mecca is also the birthplace of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Like Medina, entry to Makkah is also prohibited for all non-Muslims.

Ka'bah (Baitullah):

This is a somewhat cubic structure, which was built by Prophet Abrahim and Ismael by Divine Command. Since then it has become the source of peace and blessings and guidance for all mankind and the pilgrims circle around it with utmost enthusiasm and devotion. The mosque in which Ka’bah is situated is called Masjid al-Haraam.


This is the wide, open pavement, oval in shape, around Ka’bah and Hatim, where pilgrims perform Tawaf with utmost devotion and enthusiasm day and night except prayer time.


Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham):

To the north-east of the Ka’bah, a little away from its door, stands a glass and metal structure which contains a sacred stone bearing the impressions of the foot-marks of Prophet Abraham who stood here during the construction of the Ka’bah. This is one of the sacred places where prayers are accepted. After completing the Tawaf, the pilgrims offer two rak'ahs of prayers near it. If it is not possible to pray here, one can do so anywhere in Masjid al-Haram.



Zamzam is the historical well located to the east of the Ka’bah, which was provided by Allah for the sustenance of Prophet Ishmael and his mother in the wilderness of Mecca. Zamzam water possesses great merits and benefits, and the pilgrims have been urged to drink Zamzam water to fill, because it is food for the hungry and cure for the sick.

Different corners of the Ka'bah:

Rukn Yamaani is the south west corner towards the direction of Yaman and is highly sacred. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:

"The one who touches Rukn Yamaani and Hajar-e-Aswad, has his sins and
errors removed." (Al-Targhib)

Rukn Iraqi is the corner towards the direction of Iraq.

Rukn Shami is the corner towards the direction of Syria.


The sacred Black Stone fixed about breast high in the eastern corner of the Ka’bah was originally placed there by Prophet Abraham. Tawaf is started by kissing or touching or pointing towards the Black Stone and brought to completion at it, after seven circui.


Hatim is a semi-circular half-built portion at north west which was part of the Ka’bah in the time of Prophet Abraham, but later could not be included in the main structure when Quresh rebuilt it after its destruction by fire. To offer prayer in Hatim is just like praying inside the Ka’bah. The Tawaf around the Ka’bah covers Hatim as well.


The spot under the drain of the Ka’bah’s roof is called Mizab-e-Rehmat and is a place for acceptance of prayers.


Multazam is the wall, five or six feet in length, between Hajar-e-Aswad and the door of the Ka’bah. This is a highly sacred place where prayers are accepted. The pilgrims cling to it pressing their chests and cheeks to it and pray humbly for the forgiveness of their sins and acceptance of their prayers.

Safa and Marwah:

Safa is a hill to the south of the Ka’bah, which has now been leveled down and remains only as a symbol. Opposite to it, to the north of the Ka’bah, there is the hill of Marwah. Performing Sa’ey between these two spots is an important Hajj and Umrah rite.