Who Created Mysterious Circles

(Source: Ehow)

Crop circles are an enigma that fascinate and intrigue both laymen and scientists around the globe. Farmers go to sleep to normal crops only to awaken and find intricate designs in their place. Crop Circles leave many questions unanswered. How are they made? But most importantly, who are the creators of these mysterious circles?

Although it remains uncertain how far back crop circles date they may possibly date to the 1600 or 1700's. In modern times, several crop circles appeared throughout Europe in the 1970's. Since then they have appeared more frequently and in various locations around the world. Crop circle patterns have also become more intricate in design. The phenomenon continues to garner widespread attention from scientists, researchers, author and laymen from around the globe.

What exactly is a crop circle? A crop circle is a design that appears in a field or similar location. The pattern of the circle is created by flattening the crops. The stems of the crops are bent without being broken or otherwise damaged while other crops within the same area remain untouched allowing the design to be as simple or complex as desired. The manner in which the crops are flattened remains the subject of much debate.

At one time crop circles were thought to be indigenous to certain areas but as more formations began to appear it became clear that the phenomenon was global. The mysterious patterns have appeared in Japan, America, Africa, Canada, Australia, Russia and elsewhere. Interestingly, many of these mysterious patterns have appeared close to ancient sites such as Stonehenge. No one knows the reason for this or even if it has any particular significance. Still, a great many circles are found in England with some of the most interesting and intricate patterns.

Time Frame
Crop circles are found in many shapes and sizes. They vary in size and complexity but some circles have been hundreds of feet in diameter created with intricate geometric and fractal patterns.

It is not known exactly how or when these patterns are created but it is believed they are made at night particularly between the hours of 2 and 4 in the morning. Many farmers and other individuals have reported that a particular crop circle was not there during the daylight or early evening hours yet the circle was discovered early the next morning.

Although there have been some crop circle hoaxes (crop circles made by human hands) there are scientific differences between human-made circles and real crop circles. These differences show that there are cellular changes within the plants such as smaller seeds and/or that stems have increased in diameter.

The ground even appears to be dehydrated. There also seems to have radioactive effects and a strange sound emanating from crop circles has been detected the first few days following its formation.

These differences seem to distinguish hoaxes from the real thing. People and even animals seem to experience various effects once inside the circle. Some people have reported that they and/or their pets have experienced dizziness, illness such as vomiting, pains, tingling sensations, agitation, nausea and headaches. Could this be due to some sort of radiation? Perhaps.

Since little evidence is left behind one can only speculate on how these formations are created. Some researchers suggest that crop circles contain a form of sacred geometry that most people would have little or no knowledge of limiting the possibility that they are human-made. The theories about crop circle formations are just as simplistic and complex as the circles themselves.

Some eyewitnesses claim to have seen UFOs in the vicinity of crop circle patterns. Others say they have spotted balls or rays of light actually forming the circles. Weather abnormalities, sound and electromagnetism have been credited with forming the mysterious patterns. Then there is the government conspiracy theory which claims the government is creating crop circles by using microwave radiation, for whatever purpose, one can only imagine.

We've examined the how, where and when aspects of crop circles but one important question remains. Why? Why are these patterns being created? If they are indeed a government experiment why would the government go to such exotic measures to create these unusual circles?

If they are created by an otherworldly source we still have to ask why. Researchers have suggested that crop circles may be a form of communication. Are extraterrestrials trying to communicate with us? Are they sending us messages that we are struggling to interpret? Unless the makers of crop circles are just a bunch of highly intelligent artistic types with time on their hands there must be meaning within the hidden messages of crop circles. Our job is to decipher those messages.