Astronomers claim to discover new planet in out solar system

Researchers claim to have discovered a new Earth-size planet named Kuiper belt in solar system, just behind Neptune and estimate it to be much larger than previous estimates.

Researchers investigated the Kuiper belt, which was named after Dutch-American astronomer Gerard Kuiper, who proposed its existence in 1951.

The research, published in the Astronomical Journal, indicated an object within the Kuiper Belt with “unusual” properties, such as gravitational influence over other objects, indicating its planetary status.

The Kuiper belt is a doughnut-shaped ring of icy objects left over from the creation of the sun’s planets billions of years ago. Because of its remote location, the scientists were unable to reach it.

Scientists wrote in their report: “We predict the existence of an Earth-like planet. It is plausible that a primordial planetary body could survive in the distant Kuiper Belt as a Kuiper Belt planet, as many such bodies existed in the early solar system.”