Love of Allah

(Bint-e-Abid, Lahore)

All praise due to Allah Almighty who deemed man worthy to be the foremost of his creation. Allah is lord of universe, plants and the seed of his love of every human at the time of his birth. This is why everyone is born on his original nature, original state the state of Islam.

The crux of the beginning and the end of life, its origin and destination is love for Allah.

Loving Allah is ultimate aim. Having attained the state of true love for Allah, each stage that follows it is one of its fruits and branch from its roots. Such as longing, intimacy and contentment. The most beautiful, the most sincere, the most elevated and the most exalted kind of love is most certainly the love of the one whom hearts were created to love and for whom creation was brought into existence to adore. Allah is the one who hearts turn in love exhalation and glorification, humility submission and worship. Such worship cannot be directed towards other than him it is the perfection of love accompanied by complete love, submission and humility. Allah is loved for his own sake in every respect. All except him are loved for the love they give in return. All the received books and the message for the all prophets bear witness of the love that is due towards him, as does the natural impulse he has created in all his humans(servants) the intellect he has given them and the blessing he has poured on them.

Hearts, as they mature, come to love whoever is merciful and kind towards them. So how much greater is their love for him from whom all kindness springs!

Every good thing enjoyed by his creation is one of his limitless blessings and he is one with no association and no partners.

If the inherent love for Allah was removed from humanity nothing but bestiality would remain. Truly, nothing of worth exists in the temporary life of this world other then love for Allah. Only when love for Allah flourishes in the heart and captives the eyes does life itself become wondrous.

Truly, the degree to which Allah has been sought; the zeal which he has been loved; the extent which he has been remembered; the yearning with which he has been invoked; the amount that he has been worshiped and the fervor with which he has been admired and adored stands far above all else, no other entity in the universe bears comparison. All of creation loves Allah.

The human body is composed of limbs and organs each with unique traits; seeing is the trait of eye; listing is the trait of ear; and smelling is the trait of nose. Same like this loving is the trait of heart; the heart is always in love with someone.
Be it with a stone, God or anyone else,
There comes no tranquility without loving.

A person usually falls in love for two reasons. The first is when the beloved’s essential being and attributes are distinct and superior to all others. Such is Allah who is perfect in every way and beyond any comparisons. Hoe beautiful and magnificent must the creator of all the world’s beauty be! It is only natural that person attracted to his lord. The second reason of love is the when the beloved has authority and is involved in every aspect of one’s life. Such is Allah who at any moment can relieve one’s grief or sorrow. This is the reason why everyone instinctively turn to Allah is times of distress.

There is sweetness and pleasure in the name of Allah that by repeatedly invoking his name in every sorrow is turned into joy.
A person should remain unaffected by the ever-changing conditions of life and remember Allah at every moment.
The heart is not imprinted with love for Allah finds no pleasure in living. Whatever one’s states never should the court of the beloved Allah is abandoned.
Allah’s love for the believer’s is mirrored in their hearts, causing then to overflow with his love.
And those who believe have intense for Allah (2:165)

If we try to write on this topic and try to describe love of Allah n a signal short easy or article then this is impossible. So, I just try to write a small piece hope all of you like it and give me your opinion for betterment.

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