Independent Sindh - An Analysis

(Khurshid Khan, Karachi)

Today, when I was surfing the net, I saw a picture on facebook. That picture was posted by a Sindhi nationalist Page showing some Hajis wearing Ahraams are waving the flag of Azad Sindhu Desh at Makkah, Saudi Arabia. I was shocked to see that photo because every Muslim knows that at the time of Hajj all the people around the world are not recognized by their ethnicity but only by their religion and that is Islam. All the Hajjis wear the same clothes to show the unity among Muslims.

I think, it is a shameful act done by some lunatic ethnic nationalists. Seculars and ethnic nationalists always accused religion that it create division among humans but they forget that at the time of Hajj the religion i.e. Islam removes and overrides all the ethnic, man-made divisions. All the people from different part of the world walking side by side, wearing same clothes reciting the same religious prayers shows the great integrity among humans.

Few years back, I met a guy who is a pure Sindhi nationalist and a great supporter of Azad Sindhu Desh. During our conversation, I asked some questions to him and he could not give me a single reply with solid arguments. The questions were:

1- If Sindh becomes an independent state than how would Sindh prevent the threat of Kala Bagh Dam?
2- What changes the independent state of Sindh will bring in the lives of common people of Sindh? 3- Is there any benefit for poor, enslaved Haaris (Farmers) by the feudalism?
4- Economic condition of Sindh except Karachi is not good enough. How will Independent Sindh survive?
5- For the security and survival of Independent Sindh, you will have to be relying on India or you want to integrate with India?

Independence of Sindh is a worst case scenario for the Sindh itself. After the independence of Sindh there will be no moral or legal way to restrict the rest of the Pakistan to make Kala bagh dam and according to the people of Sindh, it is the matter of life and death to them.

I think, Independent Sindh will not bring any positive change to the lives of poor people of Sindh. They are being slaved by feudalism and they will be because after independence, the same feudal system will run the government. Oppression of feudalism will never end.

Sindh’s economic conditions and literacy rate is too low to survive as an independent state. On the other hand, feudal system will not allow the people to educate themselves. Without education, no country can excel.

For the security and survival, Independent Sindh will have to depend on Indian military, like Bangladesh. But in Bangladesh, feudal system was eliminated by the true leadership of Pakistan i.e. Liaqat Ali Khan after independence that is why Bangladesh successfully survived without further help of India as a separate state. But the scenario about Sindh is different. Feudal system has very long roots in the soil of Sindh. There are two possible way for survival:

1- Allow Indian military to come to Sindh’s soil and defend it against the rest of the Pakistan, or Integrate into India as another province.

2- In the above mentioned scenarios, there will be no independence for Sindh. It is far better to be integrated with a Muslim state than with a Non-Muslim state i.e. India.

Independence of Sindh is not the solution for the problems faced by the people. Sindh is not enslaved by Pakistan or Punjab etc. but it is enslaved by the feudal system. They have to eliminate the feudal system to free themselves by the feudal tyrants.

Khurshid Khan
About the Author: Khurshid Khan Read More Articles by Khurshid Khan: 2 Articles with 1085 views Working as a citizen journalist and a Columnist for the cause of the betterment of Pakistan. Fighting against the enemies; foreign or domestic by the .. View More