The Meaning of Rose Colors

The symbolism of rose colors is steeped in tradition. Roses inspired people over thousands of years to develop a language of color. When you choose a color, variety or number of roses for someone, you are personalizing your gift with deeper sentiment. Rose colors may have very a different meaning from what you intend. Use our guide to help communicate your feelings.

Red - Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations, "I Love You", "Job Well Done", Sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion

White - Purity, Innocence, Silence, Secrecy, Reverence, Humility, Youthfulness,
"I am worthy of you", Heavenly

Dark Pink - Appreciation, Gratitude, "Thank You"

Light Pink - Admiration, Sympathy, Gentleness, Grace, Gladness, Joy, Sweetness
Yellow - Joy, Gladness, Friendship, Delight, Promise of a new beginning, Welcome Back, Remember Me, Jealousy, "I care"
Orange - Desire, Enthusiasm
Peach - Appreciation, Closing the deal, Let's get together, Sincerity, Gratitude
Coral - Desire
Lavender - Love at first sight, Enchantment
Yellow with Red Tip - Friendship, Falling in Love

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