How to develop Pre-Schooler's Brains

(Faiza Hassan Khan, Lahore)

A youth human brain is a chaotic jungle of neurons getting "wired" together into intricate circuitry patterns. Early experiences have an enormous influence on children's absorbent sponge-like brains and also strongly affect the way they mature. By providing everyday activities that arouse your child's curiosity, you’re helping to create neural pathways that will increase their learning efficiency and capacity. Expose your preschooler to a variety of stimuli and allow your child hands-on interaction with three-dimensional materials. Cooking, finger-painting, clay construction, musical instruments, and going to festivals, petting zoos, museums, tide pools, concerts, and outdoor natural areas are all sensory-rich activities.

Children need to feel safe and confident. You can minimize stress by giving your child positive, loving, sensitive, and encouraging feedback. Keep reprimands and threats to a minimum, avoid unnecessary power struggles, and shouting or spanking in discipline. Also, be patient about bedwetting, be sympathetic about fear of nightmares, the dark, and thunder-and-lighting storms, and allow your child to have a security object like a cozy blanket or a stuffed toy.

Preschool is prime time for auditory brain development. Supporting your child's hearing and speaking helps construct strong neural circuitry for absorption of more language acquisition. Ideally, talk, sing, and read to your child in a voice that varies in pitch and rhythm and emphasizes important words. (If we mumble in a flat drone your child will get bored and not focus.) Try to ask open-ended questions that initiate thinking, explain "how things work," use high-level vocabulary, and regularly include your child in conversations that will help expand their vocabulary. Protect your child's hearing by treating ear infections promptly, and encourage her to "use her words" instead of throwing tantrums. Preschool is also an ideal time to introduce a second language since the young, "plastic" brain absorbs language quickly.

If possible, enroll your child in a quality preschool or schedule regular play dates with friends. Encourage your child's fantasy play with friends — "pretend" games develop the brain's verbal zones and enhance social skills in sharing, communication, and conflict resolution. Allow your child to have "imaginary friends" for the same reason, but remember, preschoolers have difficulty separating reality from make-believe, so don't call them "liars" if they insist that their stories are "true."

Faiza Hassan Khan
About the Author: Faiza Hassan Khan Read More Articles by Faiza Hassan Khan: 2 Articles with 1025 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.