Rigging in Election 2013

(Syed Majid Ali, Karachi)

Al-Hamd-O-Lillah, We have gone through the first stage of So-called democrecy on 11th May, 2013.

Election came to an end leaving an impression that Pakistani Nation has more political sence then other nations. They are committed to the performance of candidates not to the compain only. PTI Sonami ruled itself and hide in the mountains of KPK. The leaders of PTI trying to make things worse by giving falk claims of rigging against them.
But let me tell on thing.

Rigging is only made by PML (N) and MQM against PTI. Mr. Sonami did nothing?

PTI came into being in recent past. It gained its leaders and workers from the other political parties like Javead Hashmi, Mukhdoum, Dr. Atif and others. they all have a dark politicle background as well as the worker. In that one can say that PTI has the same political behaviour like other parties have. They all are involved in some kind of rigging. It is better for the country and the countrymen that we accept these results with open heart and Let each and every one to pay back its voters.

There is a need to bult our national character and it can only be posible if we do our countability ourself.

Syed Majid Ali
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