Comparing “The Consent Factory: The Mass Media Machine” to Our Own Journalism

(Sadia Khalid, )

The classic function of media that is to inform, to educate and to entertain has been modernized according to the needs of the era and the society. Now, it is not in the wrong to say that our consent and our public opinion is being manufactured by the media industry. Democracy now is staged, and through propaganda it functions.

As it is shown in the animation “The Consent Factory: The Mass Media Machine”by Noam Chomsky, that media manufactures our consent, it has now become the major function of media especially in our society where it makes the common people to think what the media wants them to think and makes them believe in it.

By portraying the audience or common people as just ears and eyes and the media persons as an eye inside a mouth they cleverly reflected the reality that media has its eyes everywhere but chooses to notice only things of its interests and of course common people would only see and listen to what media shows and blindly follow it, whether the content is fabricated or based on truth.

Just like it is said in the article “Manufacturing consent in Indian-administered Kashmir” by UzmaFalak that in the Indian-administered Kashmir every bit of news/information is depicted in a same manner that would benefit their propaganda just like an image reverberating through multiple mirrors exhibiting a same picture over and over again, and in the end, resulting in achieving guaranteed public opinion making of the people.

How The Media Operates through Five Filters in our Society:

To manufacture consent and forming public opinion of the common people, some filters were discoursed by Noam Chomsky, for putting into use to achieve maximum success. If we give some thoughts into it, those are as it is applied by our media as well. Let’s take a look:

o Firstly, the corporate media is the bitter truth of this era. The end game of every media group or corporations is only acquiring guaranteed PROFIT by any means possible. Because of this system, genuine journalism is nowhere near in practicing. As the media has become a particular separate industry now, the essence of good journalism is being killed.

o One of the biggest source of profit for the media corporations are the advertisers and we, the common people, are the source of profits for the advertising companies. We don’t realize how special we are that we are the “gifts” to the advertising companies! It does not matter even if we are unable to adopt the lifestyle of the Elites that our media and advertisers are explicitly promoting, the common people are so common that they still would rush towards the newly opened international fashion outlet.

o Every content in the media is indeed influenced by Government, Corporations and our big Institutions to some extent. Because they have made themselves a crucial part of journalism, involving in every story influencing every piece of information.
 An easy example of its implication can be found in the Indian-administered Kashmir where every piece of media content is being invented which then moves around across newsrooms, parliament, bureaucracies, business houses, advertisements, academics, militaries etc.

o And of course anyone, whether a journalist or other media person, challenges the one in power and divert away from their unanimous system, they would be condemned.
Including the distortion of any piece of story that is inconvenient for the one in to fit their needs.

o Today, a common enemy is very much needed to build the public opinion, just like a boogie man to put fear into people and make them think about that particular common enemy, just so that their attention is diverted from the issue at hand. When terrorism as a common enemy is not being enough diversion, then issues like Wiki leaks or Panama papers leak or anti-army opinions are put forward as a new type of common enemy.

It must be very much clear to understand our media by the above discussion, as now we have no choice but to ponder over it as millennial.


Sadia Khalid
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