How to Be Pretty If You Are Unfortunate With Your Looks

It's always great to look nice. Every human desire to look beautiful, but not everyone is fortunate enough to be classified as one. It’s not your face but the hormones that can make you feel ugly even if you are not. There will always be some people who see pretty things about you, somebody who will fall in love with you, and there will always be something awesome about you inside and out. Even if you feel ugly, you're not. Though you are beautiful already, this article will enhance your looks and make you feel much better about yourself!

Be Confident

There is no point sitting in your bedroom worrying over your looks. You can change yourself and there are ways of bringing in confidence. Walk with your back straight, and don't slouch. Have a positive outlook on everything. You are beautiful no matter what in your own way.

Maintain Hygiene

Bath or shower every day. Wash your hair on a regular schedule that works for you. Use a bath gel that smells great, and try skin lotions if you have dry skin.


Eat Healthily and Exercise

Stay fit! Make sure to work out properly at least 60 minutes a day and eat healthy! Exercise doesn't have to be boring! Try swimming, or horse riding, or walking, yoga or aerobics. Fruit, vegetables, and yogurt helps, and try to stay away from more unhealthy foods such as cake, candy, ice cream, etc.


Dress up Nicely

People judge you from the way you look. Your appearance speaks a lot about you. Pay close attention to your attire. Adopt the sense of proper dressing that will surely make you a Hero among others. Instead of wearing jeans with a casual tee, choose formal wear to office or dinner parties. Avoid bright colors on formal occasions as they give a negative impression about you. Stick to soothing decent colors. Be bold, wear good quality clothes and plan outfits ahead of time. Avoid over dressing.

Don't become obsessed with looks

Do not degrade yourself if your skin is not white. Allah Almighty has given uniqueness to every human that makes them beautiful. You physique or white color is not something to be obsessed with. It's what's on the inside that counts.


Smiling makes you look more attractive. When somebody catches your eye, smile confidently. Be polite to people. This looks a lot more attractive than frowning and mumbling.

Take Criticism Positively

Don't listen when other people put you down; just know that they're putting you down while you are going on with your life. Just be confident in who you are and not what everyone else wants you to be!

Be a nice person

If you are horrible on the inside, then it will show on the outside. People with the pure heart are true gems. If you want to be beautiful then fill your heart with love, respect, peace, and harmony. Be polite to people and help others.