Dear Haji

(Syed Sajjad Hussain, Gujrat)

Dear Haji,
Thanks very much and nice to hear you. Please correct me if you find me wrong, since i am not a scholar nor a religious scientist. The wording you choose & the slogan you raised is very attractive but the materialization of this dream is impossible because of, None of the recent religious leader is a even a shadow of " Khulfa-e Rashdeen" Pro. Saeed or Molvi Fazalurahman, with all due respect, may acceptable for you, but not for all even in a single city of Pakistan, rather than all Muslim Ummah.

The geography & demography of the 47 Muslim countries no body can change. The dynamic political , social & financial interests of Muslim world, no body can bridge. In Pakistan " only in Malakand Division" Taliban try to impose "their self styled Shariah" but they find no supporter even their own promoters. For a while, we imagine that all the Muslim Ummah have united under one umbrella, who will lead them, you, me or King Abdullah from K.S.A.

Each school of thought have its own " very poisonous & hatred" literature against the others declaring them " Mushrik" & able to kill. From Somalia to Yemen to K.S.A to Pakistan to Iran to Bangladesh Malaysia to Indonesia, one thing is very common, that all the rebels fighting against their own nation & involved to destruct their own countries, are belong to same school of thought.
Availing a right of difference in opinion, please note that all schools of thought do not believe on "Rule of Allah over the earth " as same you understood. This is a misperception same as " Khawarij" raised in front of " Hazrat Ali". A considerable amount of literature is available in this regard in the market.

I do agree with you that the " equal weight of vote for all" also against the bases of Islam & this type of democracy brings people like we are facing now a days. We could bring the change from " deep inside" the present system only. We should moderate in sense to offer the breathing space to the opponents, believe in coexistence, tolerance, social justice, self respect to the others and their believes. We can not count our losses brought to us by our own Muslim,s rebels. All the Muslim Ummah is victimized and hated globally due to them only.

Their "very own" deeds put all the Muslims in defensive mode. Westerns have adopted our " moral lessons" and we borrow their misdeeds to practice.The best path is to follow the Islam, in our personal and national life. Unconditional Love & fellowship to Prophet Muhammad (Peace & countless blessings be upon him, his family and companions till the day of final judgement) We should respect the Islamic elders, accept & attribute their devotions to Islam. They only transit Islam to us in its genuine form.Please forgive me any unconscious disheartening and be in touch for further transactions.

( This is a response to a mail, it is seems to be interesting for the public)

Syed Sajjad Hussain
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