Woman: Symbol of love not curse

(Qurat-ul-ain, Islamabad)

Woman is always a prominent character and a hot topic in our literature. But sadly Woman in every society is the victim of mail dominance and we all know it very clearly. But wait; first I make it clear to you that I am not a feminist and not anti male person. Because, in majority cases, a person standing for women rights is called as feminist.

I do not understand why always bad things related to women e.g. you talk too much like woman. There are many other examples in our society, we are use to of them and we do not mind it. Even a woman does not take it seriously and mind it. Someday ago, a male colleague of mine was talking to me. During discussion he said, you girls talk too much. And I was shocked on his statement because from the last an hour he was speaking to me and I was just listening.

These all things are very common in our society and stick to our minds. We do not bother it, because these are the part of our brought up. Unfortunate thing is that, even a woman accepted all these labels attached to them and do not take it seriously.

By this mind set we change the symbol of love in curse. Woman is the beauty of nature. All beauty, love, care is associated with woman. But sadly, this love symbol is now associated with hatred. In this all dilemma, a woman is equally contributed because a mother is more responsible of the brought up of her children as napoleon said “ give me good mothers .. I shall give you good nation” .We accepted that we are coward. We forget our power; we forget that there is always a woman behind a successful man. We forget that if a woman can give birth to child, she is enough strong to do every thing.

For bringing the change in society behavior, a woman should change society’s mind set by changing mindsets of their children. We all have to change our thinking seriously. And start give importance to yourself, world will give you importance automatically. Try to make history as laurel Thatcher Ulrich said “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” Start believing on yourself and try to make your decisions yourself because you are an independent human being with courage and strength. And feel proud by saying it to “BE A WOMAN” not man.

About the Author: Qurat-ul-ain Read More Articles by Qurat-ul-ain: 5 Articles with 11227 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.