Governments, Judiciary, Common man and Justice.

(M.M.Bashir Saani (M.Mumbasit Bashir), Karachi)

Projection of a non-issue as a serious issue to the country as well as to nation using the press media is remained a game of our corrupt politician of Jagirdarana system. Today the slogan of independent judiciary does not concerned to a common man. What kind of more independence the judiciary and police needs? Is the judiciary restricted by any means to judge and decide any case registered/lodged at these courts of laws under the country's constitution, laws and regulations? In my opinion, judiciary has powers to that extent that it can runes peoples mandate. Under the power of judiciary a victim of road accident dyes because the peoples afraid of police and judiciary power (tangible lengthy system of justice) do not dear to pick him up to the hospital. In prevailing democracy the legislation somehow have some mandate or representation of people. Out of the democratic government's period of five years peoples have only one day of democrary 'The day they cast their vote' and in the remaining four year and three hundred sixtythree days, the peoples are the only spectators of their fate. Anyhow, assemblies are elected by the peoples but the judiciary is appointed through the rules and regulation created by the legislation, so they are called civil 'servant' and got salaries from the public money. But what they returned to the nation? Frustration, agony and spoiling the stuff of life of the unfortunate persons who comes for seeking justice. If justice is delayed is justice denied, Judiciary has full power and independence to decide or delay a case to a unlimited period. It has a lot of reasons or pretext for delaying.
The ground facts and truth is that the human life is made of the running time, the period from the date of his birth to his death so the stuff of life is the running time. The maximum punishment awarded by a court of law, are the 'Sentenced to death or imprisonment of life'. Whereas a person who born has a fate to die, then what punishment is awarding to a criminal. There is no guarantee if a person honorably released from the court of law would not die in the next hours, day or so on. Actually, the court of law, in punishment of hanging till death, is closing the hopes of that person for further living. In imprisonment, criminal is deprived off his basic rights of liberty for that particular period.

Isn't true from the date, a case is lodged in a court of law, the stuff of life is destroyed of both the parties whether of complainant or accused by the delaying tactics, and both the parties got much punishment before the decision arrived and deprived off the basic rights of liberty. The timely decision is the only 'JUSTICE' as such they never got justice. In fact except for a few extra-ordinary brains, normal human brain is not capable to retain the total scenario of an event for a long time. Gradually, many parts of that event erased from his brain (Forgetting events gradually is gift of God to human as if the harsh event or loss of life our love ones remained fresh, we will never would got peace of mind that would be a permanent agony). So after a particular delay, success of a case depends on the ability of the lawyers but not on the basis of merit of the crime. Now the environment is so spoiled when a crime or accident occurs peoples try to run away in fear to avoid to be a witness because they know their stuff of like will be destroyed in circling court of law for a long period until life would become a misery. Begging a pray is common amongst the peoples that ALLAH save them from the Court Kachahry, Police and Bimari. Is that respect or fear? When a case is lodged or arrived in the court of law, a feeling of safty, security and trust must be prevailed in the hearts of both the parties. Is that ever happened in the society?

Judiciary must be honored and respects from the core of our hearts but not by force and fear of punishment. We only discuss the outcomes or crops but don't want to see the roots of injustice prevailing in the society within the frame of cultural bindings and needs. In Pakistan 90 percent corruption comes from the above level. For example, a clerk justifies his bribe (Rishwat), sir our big boss received rupees ten thousands so it is MY RIGHT to have minimum rupees five hundred please. Why the concept of right or wrong is vanished or going to vanished. Lets see the causes, The cause and ground is the economic injustice accelerated from the governments. The hard currency is not the rupee notes, bills and other monitory documents. The hard currency is that wealth on the surety of that these bills or notes are issued. One of the hard currency which is excepted even now all over the world is gold which also devalued gradually. In 1950s if we had purchase Pakistan rupees by one tola (about 12 1/2 gram) gold, we got Rs. 80/-. If we suppose the basic unit of government service is the employee of one grade i.e. peon, policeman, soldier etc. he started his service from the basic salary of Rs. 60, total salaries including allowances amounting Rs.80 in 1950s. Now the rate of gold is about Rs. 30000/- per ten gram. In 1950s the category of servant which receiving to one tola gold salary for one month is now working about four to five months on the same wages. Prices of consumables are nearly equal or we say purchasing power of gold is nearly equal to that time. The categories of employees of lower scale were supposed to be poor at that time. Now how you suppose these categories employees of lower grades deprive of their basic rights of living would adhere to honesty, loyalty whereas they have to feed their families from the 1/4th of that meager earning which they got 1950s.

There many in-root reasons of injustice prevailing in social, economic, political, religious environment of Pakistan. Without solving these fundamental injustices we would not achieve the dream of a peaceful Pakistan.

We nearly all Pakistani claim ourselves to be Muslim and have faith on ALLAH and Quran and according to Quran we believe that all earth is belongs and own to ALLAH. When I think and surprised that there is no piece of land of ALLAH is exist in Pakistan as well as in other countries. Even the mosques are divided into the ownership of different sects. Majority of creature of ALLAH Human are deprived off from their basic rights of shelter as all the land has been captured by the few wadaras, jagirdars, nawabs etc. through Jagirdarana system using the British laws and regulation which the British made to make us slaves. We are 170 million peoples in Pakistan our environment is quite different from the west we are short of land and cannot afford any nawab, jirgirdar, Khan or Wadara to occupy thousands of acre of land and government has no land to give its poor peoples even to have a small shelter. Jahad means struggle against injustice, Land of ALLAH must be got independence for the use of his creature i.e. all the peoples.

In the end I earnestly request the judiciary and lawyers, decision maker in legislation, decisive position holders in government public service departments including education, foreign services department, home departments to discharge the basic duties in time entrusted to them by the nation honestly, keeping in view the major task of sovereignty, prosperity, literacy, bilateral trust, honor with justice and save the Pakistan and the nation from further destruction and frustrations.

M.M.Bashir Saani (M.Mumbasit Bashir)
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