Sub-Continent and USA

(M.M.Bashir Saani (M.Mumbasit Bashir), Karachi)

If any neighboring country is involve or supporting the militants, the leaders of that country must beware if something happened to the sovereignty of Pakistan, the fate of their country would not be different to Pakistan as religious, ethnic and territorial differences in their country are more tangible than Pakistan. Unfortunately feudal system is still survived in this part of the sub-continent. Fortunately India had got rid of feudal system in 1948 so the common man of India has better representation in legislation than Pakistan. However, in the present aspects of democracy in the world peoples have only one day to opine or vote to elect a legislative out of the tenure of five or four years and they have left no option except being a spectators of their fate for all the remaining period of that legislation. If democracy is meant the state of the peoples than democracy in letter and sprite can only be exercised in this electronic age when permanent institution are established through which peoples got power to remove the unwanted legislatives and other persons dominating the public institution and achieving their vicious goals instead serving the respective nation who elected them.

In nineteenth century ideology of communism and socialism were introduced in the world against these the ideology of capitalism is established and afterward the superpower of capitalism the USA got superiority on socialist countries because in communism unfortunately the sector of religion was remove from their system whereas in capitalism the sector of religion is exploited to enhance the capitalism. In this system all the activities are centralized to the capitalist peoples like billionaires/millionaires feudal lards, nawabs, jagirdars and mill owners etc. In Pakistan these element got easy access to the legislation by using all fair and unfair means including purchasing some media persons who activated a few months before and during the election campaigns to propagate for them. The geographical conditions of this sub-continents is quite different from the western countries. This sub-continent engulf one fourth population of the world, we are short of land in face of our population so we cannot bear any buddy to occupy extra land above to his requirements.

Why USA is so kind to Pakistan whereas the majority of this country dislike USA and who are not able to return even the basic amount of the aid. . Please wake up and study the American interest and Policy. Which democratic country USA is supporting in the world? Is there any country or land of the world that US government has occupied as its colony under her policy? What is the foundation of US strong economic that US government is always ready to distribute billions of dollars to that Remember USA is a capitalist country they never spent a penny without the assurance of benefit. A major part of US economy depends on the earnings of weapons. The billions dollar weapon factory would only be survive if a war is continued between two countries or amongst ethnic or religious groups of a country. What was the interest of USA in Vietnam where it fought more than two decades and millions of peoples were killed. Who is responsible of killing millions of peoples in Cambodia, Laos. It destroyed two cities of Japan by atom-bomb. What it is doing in south American countries where billions of peoples were slained like Cuba, Ecuador, Salvador, Chili, piragua etc. as well in the African countries. Is there any priority on Muslim or Non-Muslim countries. The path of US policy is to boost up the minor ethnic, religious and territorial hatred amongst the peoples and countries up to the level of war. As such amount spent on the business of aids is returned with huge profits of hundreds or thousands percentage within a short period and left the basic amount on the neck of that unfortunate country or nation for further earnings. Before given an amount for a project they plan for the safety of that amount first by applying terms and conditions that as much amount of aid would spent on import machinery or raw material or services for that particular project and on the name of technology and quality thousands percentage of profits and in some case thousands time profit, as compare to the actual cost of the commodities is gained and achieve the full benefits of aftereffects that aids. For example Talibans have the American weapons and the forces trying to control the Taliban are also using American weapons. According to information I received, an latest American gun is being sold amount to Rs. 300,000/-. If you disassemble these weapon then you will got the cost the raw material of that gun would be under Rs. 500/. Arms and weapons reflect the feelings of insecurity amongst the peoples or amongst the countries.

Let us discuss the aftereffects and what we achieve by the enmities between India-Pakistan. On the division of sub-continent above one million peoples of this sub-continent were killed. On 1947, 1950, 1965 and 1971 wars above three million army and civil peoples of this sub-continent were killed. Thousands of peoples are being killed on ethnic and religious ground in Pakistan and India as well. How many British or American were killed in this sub-continent. They were/are all Indo-Pakistanis. The races, religious sects, social norms are nearly same of both the country as geographically it is sub-continent of indo-Pak. If something is happened to Pakistan the second target would be the India of USA.

M.M.Bashir Saani (M.Mumbasit Bashir)
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