PAKISTAN AND 2014; Now Time To Set Their Dimension

(FAWAD KHAN, Islamabad, Basically from Dir lower.)

How rapidly time is passing one cannot realize but when it passed then they recognize this fact of nature. By the grace of Allah Almighty, 2013 is passed with its dark images and unfaithful waves, especially for Pakistan. As usual, in 2013 Pakistan, faced a lot of experiences and dazed openly the realities of nature. Pakistan combated with problems and obstacles, for instance American Influence, Terrorism, Drone Attacks, NATO Supply, Inflations, Unemployment, corruption, Sectarian problems, Load shedding, and the General Election in the country.

It will not be useless to say that Pakistan is swimming in its sweat, since it turning of head to America from the first day till yet. Pakistan is under the influence of America and acts like the puppet in his hand. Pakistan is so much deeper in this influence that now it is difficult to see his dimension and to set his destiny. Pakistan is seems like rent house, everyone comes and goes but no one cares about it, like people go for earning money from rural areas to cities, exactly like this people comes here earn money and go abroad to the native homes. And America seems like the master of these people, whatever he says they do it because it’s not their motherland and having no relations, this country simply means for them “easy come easy go”.

I do not want to go back to 1947 because almost all of us know the history of Pakistan. But I will start it from 2000. Pakistan is very much in the middle of Bermuda triangle. America is playing double policy with Pakistan. They know the importance of Pakistan in coming future that’s why they pushed up Pakistan in unknown war of terrorism. America wants to make their feet stable in Asia, that’s why they attacked on Afghanistan. America is making their policies under the umbrella of globalization. They know the importance of Gawadar port and its role in coming time and globalization. That is why they put busy Pakistan in war or terrorism and do strategic, trade and economic uplifting agreements with India. America wants India to be their special alloy in this region and that’s why they want to make it global and international market. For this purpose to become global market, India is crying for trade and trade to Pakistan because there are two things behind the reality. First and the basic aim to bring Pakistani economy on ground and the second aim also contributes to this that, to make good relations with china, because India knows that without good relations with Pakistan no better outcomes from china. Americans says that they have no trust on Pakistan and want to make India as a special Alloy in the region. This is a great problem of Pakistani future but Pakistani non-native politicians are living in blind country.

It was America, who pushed Pakistan in Afghanistan’s war of terrorism, and was the true friend and special alloy of America but now they changed their eyes and started drone attacks on Pakistan. Even, now they blaming Pakistan for Afghan war and regularly violating boarder and killing innocents and even directly Pakistan army. They brought Pakistan in such a position that knowing all facts but still acting as a spectator. Pakistan only runs toward blocking of NATO supply but manly for few hours or days. Then again master throw bone to non-native sub-master and NATO supply blooms again and like drama scene they raising a slogan also that, it’s our own war and America says well-done do more.

Inflation, one of the basic and core problem of Pakistan is going higher and higher. People say that poverty is the mother of all social problems but I would like to say that inflation is the mother of all social problems. In fact it is inflation, which gives birth to poverty. The average inflation rate in Pakistan from 2003 to 2010 was 10.15 percent reaching to historical 25.33 percent in August 2008 and a record low of 1.41 percent in July of 2003. While last reported inflation report in April, 2011 it was 13.04 percent. Every government claims that we will control the prices of basic life commodities and will eliminate inflation but these all are just confined to words. According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics on 01,11,2013, Pakistan’s annual inflation rate rose to 9.08 percent in October from 7.39 percent in September. On a month-on-month basis, prices rose 1.97 percent. The average annual inflation rate in July-October was 8.32 percent.

Inflation rise up leads to unemployment. The ratio of unemployment is also increasing day by day and acting as a basic thread to Pakistan’s future. The unemployment rate in Pakistan reported in December of 2009 was 5.50. The average rate of Pakistan’s unemployment from 1990 to 2009 was 5.88 percent reaching an historical high of 8.27 percent in December of 2002 and record low of 3.13 percent in December of 1990.

Corruption is also one of the inflation’s elder son and freely enjoying its life in Pakistan. It does not mean only money giving and receiving, but it means any dishonesty with duty. From a common labor to the president if anyone is doing any sort of treachery, is known as corruption. In my point of view hundred percent nation of Pakistan is enjoying corruption’s swimming pool. It is the fact the no one wish to come out from a swimming pool and especially in summer days. And I would say without any exaggeration that in Pakistan people enjoying corruption like summer days’ swimming pool or summer days on the beach in English countries. Pakistan is on seventh number in the list of world’s 97 most corrupt countries in 2012.

Sectarian problems are also one of the basic problems in Pakistan. In this field 2013 for Pakistan was the darkest one. Sectarian violence has been one of the biggest reasons which have dented the solidarity and unity of Pakistani nationals in the country and even abroad. The main reason behind this deadly act is to create hate amongst the people of Pakistan which belongs to different sects. This is being done to make the country even weaker, and should eliminate the peace and harmony from the country premises. In early 2013, the sectarian violence started from Karachi where the targeted killings took the height of cruelty and inhuman behavior. It was not just restricted to Karachi but was being witnessed and observed all over the country in all most all the major and minor cities of Pakistan. In later 2013 sectarian clashes was on the peak and its live example is 10 muharram sectarian clashes in Rawalpindi. The main reason behind these sectarian attacks is just to create misconception amongst the Muslims living in this country and the foreign powers are just willing and planning to put the various sects against each other in Pakistan for an open battle for which they have failed every time.

The next son of inflation, which Pakistan very much enjoyed in 2013, is Load Shedding. This one is more enthusiastically living in Pakistan. In presence of this son, light in Pakistan is like an orphan. In this 21st century countries in the west are moving towards enlightenment while Pakistan is moving towards the kingdom of darkness. There is no electricity to fulfill needs of the country and people are crying on roads for these basic needs providence but government have no clue about how to solve these problems. Energy shortage is the outcome of power demand and supply gape. The things due to which Pakistan could not create more electricity are raising fuel prices, rising burden of circular debts, lack of availability of inexpensive fuel, no new power projects being started, poor electricity production and distribution methods, power theft and nonpayment of electricity bills. A research conducted in 2013 compiled by provinces, shows that that the worst hit consumers reside in Punjab. Of the 870 respondents from Punjab, 91 % reported facing up to 10 hours of load shedding daily, while 5 % reported 6 to 10 hours electricity outage each day. In Kp 76% respondents reporting more than 10 hours daily. In Balochistan 74% respondents reported also more than 10 hours. In Sindh 39% respondents reported more than 10 hours load shedding. In Islamabad 79% of people said that they have no electricity for 6 or more hours. While 46 of those said that they have no electricity for then 10 hours daily. This research shows that load shedding is very much serious problem in Pakistan.

In 2013 one of the major problem and obstacle faced by Pakistan was conduction of free and fair general election. In 2013 terrorism, drone attacks and many above mentioned problems were on the peak. The environment for conducting free and fair election was seemed difficult. To postpone the election was almost on every person’s mouth. But with the Grace of Allah Almighty it was conducted on time. Although not that much fair as people wished. But anyhow as general election is held successfully and as 2013 is end so now the government in power has to do something positively and for the best of their people and country.

It is 2014, for which we waited long time that America will go out from afghan and then this region will come to take a sough. But America still wants to stay longer which is a major thread to Pakistan. Pakistan must keep in front their foreign policies and must reorganize it according to the present conditions. It is needed to eliminate terrorism and other social crimes etc so that they must withdraw foreign illegal persons specially afghans that they know their position in next planning. Pakistan is the only country which is like a mixture of foreigners without visa. Pakistan must redefine their foreign policy towards America and must act upon it strictly. They should not compromise on country’s sovereignty over any agreement. This policy is to be strict against drone attacks, boarder violation and any other un-balance agreements. They must know that self respect is the best respect. They must draw clear lines for foreign countries and that no one is allowed to violate it. Pakistan must withdraw itself from this war of terrorism because it is no more our war and nor it was.

Balochistan, FATA and other major cities of the country is almost full of foreign agents which is the basic activist of problems and violations in Pakistan. Therefore Pakistan must bring a solid policy and must arrange cleanup oppressions for these agents. If there is any real upset group in Pakistan so they must solve all this with dialogues in benefits of Pakistan.

In present world of globalization, Pakistan must develop their roads and railway tracks from Gawadar to every neighbor country’s boarder. It is only Gawadar which I think that if it is rightly utilized so Pakistan will be the magically and unbelievably developed country in near future. Due to rightly using of Gawadar, Pakistan will be the center of world trade and international market and every country will rush up towards Pakistan. The importance of Pakistan in globalization will be like a bridge to every country. Pakistan must take investments and help from china and Turkey because it will be largely in their benefits too. In future they are coming to hold global markets. The present agreement of railway track from Gawadar to Kashghar is out standard one but now must be practically completed as soon as possible. This will help Pakistan in overcoming a large amount of its problems for instance poverty, inflation, and unemployment because people will have more opportunity to work and due to Gawadar port and roads and tracks foreign goods and services will be here in low price.

Pakistan must work for eliminations of sectarian clashes and must work to unite nations on single plate farm without any sects. This is the only way from which seems more thread to Pakistan’s unity and prosperity. If someone trying to break Pakistan so they use this path and if Pakistan wants to be unite and unbroken so then they must strengthens this fact. In present time Pakistan is like the injured soldier among group of enemies and everyone is kicking knifes inside its body and even their own people. Therefore to compete with the rest of the countries in such a cut throat globalization and competition, Pakistan must unite their nation and make their body healthy and strong. They must act smartly to make a clear and pure Pakistani unite nation. Then they will be in a position to compete with others.

Pakistan must work on emergency basis to control load shedding problem. They must start new projects and must build new more dames. The must starts projects on solar wind energy on maximum level. It is also necessary to work on emergency basis for water because Pakistan is facing water shortage in its future.

In last I would like to say that Pakistan must work for their sovereignty, prosperity and for the benefit of self. They must work to make presence of basic needs to their people and must try to make their people happy. Whatever step they took so before it they must keep their sovereignty and nation in front. This 2014 is the turning point of Pakistan to make their destiny. If in this stage they did not set their dimension and their path so then, this stage will never come. At the end I would like to say for my Pakistani people, let’s build Pakistan and let’s do something good in our life because kalu Ndukwe kalu says in a quotation “The things you do for yourself are gone when you gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy”.
Pakistan Zinda Bad
Fawad khan, National Students Coordinator at National Youth Assembly, Pakistan

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