The Most Precioud Wealth

(Rana Saeed Ahmad, Lahore)

Human world is roaring with noise “Wealth, Wealth, Wealth”. And human is suffering with obsession of love of wealth. Everybody talks to his best about wealth. And most of them are blindly running after it and leave no stone unturned to make as big pile of it as possible. In this pursuit, many are tearing apart moral values, setting aside religious teachings and violating codes of law.
According to the author’s surveillance, only few people know about the real meaning of “Wealth”, its different types and their associated roles & importance. The author, after deep observations and analysis, has come to learn “few things” about Wealth. In this essay, he is trying to highlights these “few things”.

Definition of Wealth
According to author, wealth comprises everything that fulfills our physical necessities, comforts and luxuries or sexual and emotional desires or is a source of spiritual/ eternal peace.

Types of Wealth
One can divide “Wealth” into many types according to his point of view. However, the author has divided the “Wealth” into six following main and worth highlighting types.

1. Material Wealth
“Material Wealth” deals with all things that are materialistic in nature. For instance, land, jewelry, gold, silver & other precious metals, various commodities etc. are all common example of material wealth. Commonly, Material Wealth is found in the shape of currency bills and coins.

Material Wealth in itself is a great blessing. It enables man to keep body and soul together. The abundance of Material Wealth is considered necessary for a successful and comfortable life. It also ensures prosperity, development, political stability and sovereignty of nations as well as of internal organizations. On the other hand, lack of Material Wealth is a source of great distress and inconvenience. Lake of Material Wealth is known as “Poverty”. And poverty is the mother most of the miseries and evils. Actually, the monster of poverty gulps down civility, morality, etiquettes, tolerance, courtesy, etc. It destroys sense of humor and appeal of beauty. It erodes away human capabilities. A poor man has no influence of reasoning and advice. Hence, it is said that there is very thin line between poverty and infidelity/ unfaithfulness.

2. The Wealth of Health
“Health is Wealth” is a well-known proverb. Bad health and fatal disease usually make serious cutback in obsession/ sentiments of love and attraction for Material Wealth in our minds. In order to highlight his point of view, the author would like to give an example of an American citizen, John D. Rockefeller. He was the owner of a big empire “Standard Oil Company” at the age of 43. But due to high level of anxiety and fretfulness, his health became very poor. He had lost all of his body hair. Doctors had given him the horrible news that he had only few days left. Hearing that, he started weeping. He begged the doctors to save his life. Doctors told him that his life could be saved only if he would choice Wealth rather than Material Wealth. He gave preference to Health over Material Wealth. He immediately constituted a Board of Directors and handed over all business affairs to it and stopped running after and thinking about Material Wealth for good. He recovered and lived for more than ninety years. To understand the importance of health, you do not have to go too far, visit any hospital and inquire the patients. It will be evident that most of the patients are ready to abandon their Material Wealth in exchange for Health.

3. The Wealth of Knowledge
The “Knowledge” is a remarkable Wealth. It is something that differentiates humans from other species. Due to the Knowledge the human beings are regarded as “Ashraf-ul-Makhluqat” – the best of all creations. Knowledge has enabled men to unravel the laws of nature; Natural Elements have come under control of the will of man and are being used in a variety of products ranging from needles to spaceships. By the reason of Knowledge man has changed the course of rivers, walked on the moon and touches the surface of Mars. The mobile phone in your pocket is a common example that has been devised through the knowledge of physics and chemistry. It bestows man with confidence, respect, honor and fame. It enables a man to become professor, scholar, intellectual, writer, inventor or scientist. It has formulated the destinations of many nations. Nations who understand the importance and significance of knowledge are abundant with material wealth, advanced in technology, stable in politics and ruling over other nations.

4. The Wealth of Time
“Time is Wealth” is also very well-known proverb. Time is superior to all of the three aforementioned wealth (Material Wealth, Wealth of Health and Wealth of Knowledge) as they are achieved with the passage of time and remain with us until it ends. When time comes to an end and one dies, all of his Material Wealth is distributed among heirs, the Wealth of Health disappears and the Wealth of Knowledge ceases to exist.

5. The Wealth of Good-Will
According to author’s point of view “The Wealth of Good-Will” is more important, superior and long-lasting than all the aforementioned wealth. Time doesn’t belittle the impact of “The Wealth of Good-Will”. When someone has goodwill, the words become “golden words”; their actions, deeds and doings become follow-able. Goodwill makes man a living legend, great person, priest, saint, and most importantly it helps the man become a spiritual personality. Material Wealth stands in service of goodwill. On its command, majority of people is ready to sacrifice not only their material wealth but also their lives and takes pride to do so and regard this as means to salvation. It is worth saying that an account of the Goodwill of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) thousands of thousand persons are Muslims even after more than fourteen thousand years, although non of them has seen either God Almighty or revelation of Quran-e-Majeed, either angels or heaven. Let us not forget the remarkable goodwill of two great personalities of this era i.e., llama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Today, scholars and intellectuals never get tired of using Iqbal’s poetry in their speeches and lectures to reinforce their point; and currency notes are not completed without Jinnah’s picture.

6. The Wealth of intelligence
The “intelligence” is the most Precious Wealth. Its abundance raises the intellectual level high and, on the contrary, its deficiency results into low intellectual level. When a great personality is purported to be born, the creator of the universe blesses him with high intellectual level. And when a man is blessed with high intellectual level, angels bow before him; laws of nature becomes unraveled; natural elements surrender; Material Wealth reveals its reality; Wealth of Health discloses its secrets; Wealth of Knowledge opens its treasures, Wealth of Time teaches directions to make the most of it; the Wealth of Goodwill falls in love with him and doesn’t leave him for eternity.

A person enriched with Wealth of Intelligence doesn’t run blindly after Material Wealth (estate or excess bank balance etc); selfishly engage in the acquisition of political power and superficial glory. On the contrary, he extracts happiness, pleasure and success in spending his extra resources for the prosperity and well-being of mankind. The offer of political power and Material Wealth doesn’t set him apart from his mission and goals. If he were to be offered sun in one hand and moon in the other, he would refuse and continue the pursuit of his mission. The basic reason behind it is the awareness of reality of political and Material Wealth. He knows that attachment with the Material Wealth is short-term; it will be either lost during his life-time or distributed among others on his death. He knows political power is unfaithful, if circumstances go unstable in the country, political power will be snatched and he will be either thrown away into prison or exiled.

A man with superfluous intellectual wealth is indeed “Ashraf-ul-Makhluqat” - The best of all creations. His conscience reaches to the point where he wouldn’t do anything unethical, sinful or criminal for the sake of Material Wealth and other superficial interests. He wouldn’t hurt anyone’s heart, let alone kill or injure someone. Not to speak of theft, robbery, fraud, corruption, bribery etc, he wouldn’t keep a purse found on the road. In short, all his actions and deeds are directed and aimed towards the prosperity and well-being of mankind. It is worth noting, that an intellectual person doesn’t consider his good deeds and efforts towards the betterment of mankind as a favor to anyone, actually, he is bound by his intellect to do so as it doesn’t let him go astray from the right path. Furthermore, it should be noted that high intellectual level doesn’t mean a man won’t make a mistake; after all “To err is human”. He realizes his mistakes quickly and avoids repeating them.

The scarcity\lack of Wealth of Intelligence is the worst poverty. Lack of Intelligence is infinite. It may degenerate human beings from the privilege of “The best of all creations” to beasts or worse. Lack of Intelligence blind them with the darkness of ignorance, set them apart from the Wealth of Health, Knowledge, Time and Goodwill. Also, put them in the shell of selfishness where they cannot see anything but their own interests and desires. As they need Material Wealth for the fulfillment of his interests and desire, they get engage in the acquisition of as much Material Wealth as possible. Consequently Material Wealth like land, jewelry, gold and overload bank balance etc. is the first and last thing in their minds. In this pursuit, illegal becomes legal, immoral becomes moral, misdeed becomes good deed, and crimes become lawful acts. Looking at their activities beasts are complaining that why there are being defamed and devil is happy that now he may go to long leave.

The lack of Wealth of Intelligence on the national level has numerous adverse consequences. There are approximately 200 countries across the globe, out of these approximately 150 are considered under-developed. There are many reasons attributed to their under-development, however, the basic one is low intellectual level (lack of Wealth of Intelligence). Due to this, people are unable to raise their moral ethics & values, prosper economically, become stable politically and most importantly evolve as an independent nation. Pakistan is considered an underdeveloped country and its people are victims of low intellectual level. According to author’s estimation around 90% of the population is suffering from obsession of love of wealth. They are not aware of the benefits of wealth of Health, Knowledge, Time and Goodwill. They have nothing to do with interest of others, betterment of society, prosperity of nations and development of country. Moral values, religious teachings and codes of law carry no meaning to them. Government Institutions are engaged in incapability, bribery and corruption, judiciary seems to be paralyzed, employees of many lower courts receive bribery as commissions and decisions are made at the will of rulers and powerful higher-ups. Hurdles are made in the execution of Supreme Court’s and High Courts’ decisions. The structure of constitution and election commission is designed in such a way that no one could reach to the provincial and national assembly and senate other than people belonging to the families of landlords and capitalists. Elections have turned into an arena where the low and middle class cannot think of participating. The economy has been deteriorated completely; the burden of national and foreign debt has reached up to Rs. twelve thousands billions. Leaders and rulers have badly failed to provide the basic necessities to the general public. Markets are filled with false and fake products. The owners of mills and factories are forming cartels and selling their goods at desired prices against the codes of law. Consequently, owing to the lack of Wealth of Intelligence, the independence obtained on 14th August 1947 gone worse than slavery of British for 95 % citizens of country.

The author Rana Saeed Ahmad, strongly believes that all the problems and stressful circumstances of Pakistan are productions of lack of Wealth of Intelligence. He assures that until or unless the present intellectual level of the nation is raised, the current problems and stressful circumstances of the country cannot be improved. Understanding his obligations towards the country, the author has written a book and established a foundation in an attempt to raise the present intellectual level of nation and alleviate the poor condition of the country. The name of the book is “Intelligence, its different levels and their effects”,

(The book is available
whereas; the name of the foundation is proposed to be “Tamiray Akkal Foundation” –“Intellect Building Foundation”.
The author assures you that his intentions are aimed towards serving the nation, humanity and earning Wealth of Goodwill instead of Material Wealth. If you also wish to do something for your country and mankind without paying a coin, feel free and contact the author on the following address, thank you!
Published by “Tamiray Akkal Foundation”
E-2465, Street Hingnan, Suha Bazar, Lahore, Pakistan.
Contact# 0321-4536069

Rana Saeed Ahmad
About the Author: Rana Saeed Ahmad Read More Articles by Rana Saeed Ahmad: 12 Articles with 10540 views Rana Saeed Ahmad:

My name is Rana Saeed Ahmad, father's name is Rana Muhammad Saddique. I am an advocate and Life Time Member of Lahore High Court
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