Artist mixes toy figures with fish in surreal underwater scenes

(Source: Dailymail)

Jules Verne might have written the classic 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, but now one British photographer has created his own hilarious version of what a life beneath the waves might entail.

Underwater photographer, Jason Isley, 42, originally from Essex, decided to have a bit of fun for a change with some of the smaller colourful reef fish in Borneo and Indonesia.

So he got a selection of toy human figures from soldiers to sunbathers and photographed them in a set of hilarious scenes as they interacted with the fish and other sea creatures.

Jason felt underwater macro (close-up) photography was beginning to become cliched and thought he would create his underwater scenarios to amuse but also give a different perspective of the seabed.


Some of the tiny figures are pictured dressed in protective gear as they investigate all manner of curious crustacean and peculiar-looking anemone.

And a troop of toy soldiers take up arms against a variety of threats including a creepy-looking Bobbit Worm and a blue ring octopus.

Others figures are seen relaxing on sunloungers as a variety of unusual sea creatures lurk nearby.

Jason said: 'Most of the scenes are shot on sand and the figures have either nails or coins glued to their feet. This prevents the current and surge taking them away, not to mention the fish grabbing them a few times.

'I wanted to take them underwater and shoot them with living subjects that would create a really surreal scene.

'I have been working on the project for almost a year but each image usually take an entire dive which could be anything between 50 to 90 minutes depending on the depth.

'The reaction has been great, people that dive instantly recognise the subjects and understand the meaning, other people are amazed when they learn the shots were taken underwater with living subjects.'