Health Benefits of Pomegranate

(Source: Organicfacts)

Health benefits of pomegranate are innumerable. Apart from being healthy, pomegranate is delicious too. Pomegranate consists of antioxidant, antiviral and anti-tumour properties. It is said to be a good source of vitamins as it includes vitamin A, C and E as well as folic acid. This fruit consists of three times the antioxidants of wine or green tea. It is said to be the powerhouse of health. Pomegranates are known mostly for curing the problems related to heart and for maintaining effective and healthy blood circulation. Other health benefits include cure of stomach disorders, cancer, dental care, osteoarthritis, anaemia and diabetes.

Health benefits of pomegranates can be extracted by consuming it in several ways. You can take it in the form of a juice or can eat its seeds, syrup, paste, nectar or concentrate. Pomegranates are being traditionally used for clearing the skin and reducing inflammation. Pomegranate’s juice can participate in treatment of a sore throat. According to a research study stated in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pomegranate being rich in antioxidants can prevent the oxidization of LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol. Pomegranate syrups are useful in treating the cartilage damage and protest the babies from the brain damage during their birth. This is the reason that various advantages of pomegranates have been recorded since years.

Several advantages of pomegranates in curing various diseases can be listed below:

Stomach Disorder: Pomegranates peel, bark and leaves are used to calm the disorder of the stomach or diarrhea caused due to any kind of digestive problems. Drinking tea made from the leaves of this fruit helps in curing your digestive problems. Pomegranate juice is also used for handling problems of dysentery and cholera.

Heart Problems: Regular intake of pomegranate juice can maintain good flow of the blood in the body. Along with this, it decreases the risk of heart attack and heart strokes. The antioxidant properties that are consisted in this fruit helps to keep the bad cholesterol in the forming position and thus keeps the arteries clear of any clots. The clots are clear because pomegranate has the ability to make the blood thinner.

Cancer: Pomegranates consist of high level of antioxidants called flavenoids. These flavenoids are thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer radials. The people that face high risk of prostate and breast cancer should start drinking the juice of this fruit, as this will help them to reduce further risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of pomegranates can reduce the PSA levels in the body and aid to fight the existing cancer cells in the body.

Dental Care: The best benefit of pomegranate is that its juice, along with its antibacterial and antiviral properties, helps to reduce the effects of dental plaque.


Osteoarthritis: Pomegranate helps to reduce the illness caused in various forms, like atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. The damages that are caused due to the thickening and hardening of the arterial walls and in cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. Also, pomegranate is capable of preventing the creation of enzymes that are liable for breaking down the connective tissues.

Anemia: Healthy blood flow can be maintained in the body by taking this fruit in any form. Pomegranate supplies iron to blood and thus, help to reduce the anemic symptoms including exhaustion, dizziness and weakness and hear loss.

Diabetes: Drinking of pomegranate juice by a diabetic patient can reduce the risk of coronary diseases. Along with this, there is a slowdown in hardening of the arteries, which can fuel non-occurrence of various heart diseases.


Other Advantageous Forms of Pomegranate

With the passage of time, more and more people have started realizing the importance of eating pomegranates. There are other benefits too, like pomegranate reduces the possibility of having premature babies and it is also beneficial for the expected mothers to avoid having low weight babies during birth. Pomegranate also reduces the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease among the older generation. It helps to control aging problems like wrinkles and thus, facilitates youthful and glowing skin. Other than this, it helps a woman to overcome from her depression period, especially form the menopause period. The Journal of Urology states that pomegranate juice can also be very helpful in curing problems of erectile dysfunctions. Thus, the advantages of pomegranates are uncountable and profitable.

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