The 15th Century Programme Of The Islamic World

(Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel , wah cantt)

The passing away of the Epochal period of fourteen centuries of the Islamic History, and the appearance of the ambiguous, uncertain horizons of the fifteenth century, bears a particular rather extraordinary traditional significance for the Muslims. The beginning of 15th century is regarded as the beginning of some extraordinary revolution in the world. The Muslims accordingly, both in the light of the prevailing circumstances in the world, and in the expectation of the change in the light of the relative prophecies of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) of Islam, have chalked up a 15th century programmed.

Their programme, however in word and spirit is exactly the echo of the renaissance of the West three centuries ago. The difference only being, that whereas the West then had a mind to rid themselves of the trends of their religion, Christianity, the heart of the Muslims at present overflow with sincere desire of reviving Islam and blending the spirit of that religion with the modern progress, and superimposing the religion on the worldly progress. Progress being the key-note of the 15th century programme of Muslims. It is the progress which they have given out as the sole remedy of all their ills, science being the prerequisite of progress, has received basic attention. Their survival in the world and a respectable place in the brother-hood of nations, and the necessary power to safeguard their rights, lands and honor are all to be seen by them in one word that is progress.

Their slogans, however, namely, “Regaining the past glory of Muslims", appears to be questionable in itself. It is not the glory, but Islam itself, that should be the basic object. Glory comes automatically in the wake in the presence of true Islam and a real glory indeed. More important even is the necessity of finding out the actual view of the Quran about this modern atomismistic progress as it is. Whether Islam condemns or allows this kind of progress, is the question. And still more important is the realization of the view of the Quran about the atomic phenomenon and its manifestations: the atomic bomb and the atomic radiations. Whether the Quran regards the atomic bomb as the weapon of war, or whether it is regarded by the Quran as the atomic hell that appears as retribution for certain evils, and is the wrath of Allah, is another question. And also there is the necessity of knowing whether Islam could possibly be blended with this particular kind of progress, or whether religion could be superimposed upon such a culture as this Baconian atomismistic materialistic one, or whether any possibility of a compromise between the Quran and this modern progress exists is yet another question. The Muslims, unfortunately, when they speak of the Western Apostatic culture, they have in their view the moral and ethical aspect only of that culture, and the materialistic aspect is ignored completely as one in line with the teachings and spirit of Islam. And when they think of Islam, they think only of the theological, moral and divine aspects of the Quran, again ignoring the anti-Baconian view of that book. Hence the misfortune.

Whereto will this 15th Century Programme as it is (of progress) lead the Islamic world, despite the sincerest desires and most strenuous efforts of the Muslims for the revival of Islam is another question? The answer is quite obvious. It will take them exactly to the point whereto the rest of the progressive nations will be carried namely, to the atomic hell. Apart from the question whether Islam could be promulgated in to or in truth in the presence of this Baconian progress, another question is whether Islam even in to and in truth could save this world or the Muslims from the atomic annihilation in the presence of this Baconian progress. The answer is a curt and pert no. There is no reason to think otherwise. Again is it right to think that in case the Muslims professed and practiced Islam, their death and destruction in atomic war or through atomic radiations of atomic-energy-for-peace could be regarded as moral and therefore not to be considered? The answer is a clear no. For the appearance of atomic phenomenon and its manifestations that is the atomic bombs and atomic radiations in this world is evidently the result of the same causes that are given out by the Quran as the evils that rendered anyone, believer or a non-believer, liable to the punishment of the hell of Hotama and eternal hell in the next world, wherein the infidels will remain for ever, while the believers will remain therein as long as Allah did wish. And remember that the promulgation of Islam in to and in fact, in the presence of this Baconian progress is an improbability.

This 15th century programme as it is based on material progress means no more than a means of accelerating the step in an atmosphere of increased tempo toward the logical end that is the atomic hell due to the increased enthusiasm. Facts, and not desires; understanding and not misunderstandings should decide the matter. Principles and not the necessities of peoples will settle the affair.

The decision against this progress is indeed colossal, amounting to a well-nigh improbability, but the consequences of neglect or ostriching in this matter appear for more calamitous. It is just in right time, that the Muslims may be warned. The 15th century Hijra programme is not that which the Muslims have declared, but the actual programme in the light of the Quran and the prevailing circumstances has to be in the line every different, and may be seen in the following:-

1.Complete eradication of atomic threat to this world, and the root-cause thereof, namely, this Baconian progress.2.Complete full and factual promulgation of Islam, on the exact pattern of the Islam in vogue during the blessed caliphate (Khilafat-ir-Rashidah).3.Any intermediate house is neither possible, nor a thought of it is to be entertained. Here then is a royal, seemingly improbable, that has to be taken up by someone, if this world is interested to be saved from a dreadful doom amidst the scornful guffaws of the malignant devil. It is with real appropriateness, that the Muslims may be expected to take up the challenge if they scorn to die as slaves in the flames of the atomic hell in the wake of the super powers. Rather it is high time that, the Muslims stand up like one man against the atomic bombs and atomic reactors, and put all their force in the scale against the universal atomic suicide, and save this world and themselves, chanting “Long live Blessed Abraham", and “to hell with cursed Democritus". But where to start? Iqbal has a couplet to throw light on this point. “Neither plans nor swords" says he "will avail thee aught in slavery, if however, the fact of certainty appeared, the chains would be severed". I have never found a better application of this particular couplet of Iqbal than in this instance. Howsoever unpleasant and difficult this undertaking might appear, it is not more difficult than being cast into the burning pyre of atomic hell. What you do not know is that you and all this mankind is going to be thrown into the universal atomic furnace sooner or later. Yes, indeed and there is no way of avoiding that burning pyre except by eradicating this Baconian progress. So unfathomably deep-rooted, so universally all-pervasive, so bewitchingly deceptive is this present world-wide cancerous malady of Baconian atomismistic materialism, that man's mind reels before the very thought of it. Out of question no doubt appears a thought of challenging it. Yet the challenge is the only, inevitable necessity, for, no alternative now is left for man other than either to change this all-powerful manner by the demon. Yet, how painstakingly and how innocently every one in this world, utterly ignorant or entirely unmindful of the dire hazards of this inexpressibly bewitching progress is engrossed in it day in day out to the end of one's life. Howsoever formidable, howsoever improbable and appealingly unachievable might this trait of challenging this Baconian culture, and contending with it and uprooting it might seem in this present situation, and howsoever miserably the hearts might sink in the breasts, and the minds faint, it has to be undertaken as the only possible way to avoid the flames of atomic hell, and indeed where there is a will there is a way. But the question is where to start. How to start and which of the methods to adopt in this epoch-making revolution? The times were when it was regarded improbable that the rule of Britain will ever be removed from India, but the technique of non-violence succeeded after half-a-century of struggle in gaining independence. A considerable share of the credit goes, though, to the English people. Again thirteen centuries ago, when Islam was in a very grievous danger, Hussain the Grandson of the Holy Prophet of Islam, made a supreme sacrifice of his own life and that of his near ones and dear ones in an attempt to save Islam, and he did ultimately succeed in his mission. Long before Hussain, Abraham had stood before the burning pyre, and was cast in it as the test of his faith. Today this world as a whole stands before a universal atomic pyre, not indeed to be cast in it as a test of faith, but as a result of divine inquisition and natural punishment. Which of the nations on earth will take up the great task of saving this world from this painful atomic doom. Inspite of the fact, that here exist in non-Muslim nations innumerable goodly souls and thoughtful men, this particular duty falls on that nation which is so fortunate as to be the custodian of the Quran. The Muslims may well be warned that if this world of God were consumed by the flames of the atomic hell, then although the act of enkindling this hell is ascribed to the Christian world, yet the blame for it is to be imputed to the Muslim community, for it was the duty incumbent on the Muslims indeed by virtue of their Islam to curb and destroy the modern Baconian atomism as its very appearance in seventeenth century A.D. with the consequent deliverance of mankind from the atomic hell. Woe upon woe, that the Muslims have not only failed in that incumbent duty toward the Quran but also have taken to blaspheming against that sacred book by declaring its teachings compatible with this modern Baconian atomismistic materialism, as if the Quran was a book of Erastian Materialism, as if the Quran were an harbinger of the views of Francis Bacon, the views that have resulted in the logical appearance of the atomic hell. Will then, the ignorance, or clear conscience or the misunderstanding of the present-day Muslims save them from the scientific consequences of Baconian progress. Nay, they will certainly be doubly punished. Firstly in being dragged into the atomic hell behind the super powers, in this world, and then on the day of judgment they will stand accused before the throne of Allah for their neglect of duty towards the Quran and their erroneous judgment regarding Quran's view of this Abominable Baconian modern atomismistic progress. Sweet, however, is this modern progress, bewitching is facilities, and helplessness of the present-day man in this respect is besides. But long live blessed Abraham, "Down with cursed Democritus". You have been warned, and beware! The Quran never taught a way to atomic hell. Finally let it be remembered, that not only the entire world is involved in the Baconian progress and its result the atomic consumption, but also, that no one neither nation, nor even a set of nations could do much in this universally entangled movement. The goodwill, and cooperation of the entire world is the prerequisite in this task, and the most needed aspect of this matter is the universal modification of the world-opinion, and exposure of the reality of the Baconian progress and its dreadful hazards. In this respect, it may be declared, that I have with me the finished work in the form of six volumes in which the entire subject, atomism, nuclear sciences and Quran is treated to completeness. The universal publication of these works can do all the work which actually is needed and which nations and armies together cannot do without it. The revolution has to be conducted in its light. No nation on earth could be excluded from this good work. And I cannot believe the nations besides the Muslim nation to be so devoid of good sense as not to appreciate this kind of work, or to grudge cooperation and help in the name of and for the sake of humanity. Let every nation open up full mind to this world-saving endeavour, or else be prepared to be consumed by the flames of nuclear hell. Gratitude for their good-will and assistance will not be denied. Muslims! cease to wonder and wonder in dark wilderness. Take up the yoke now. It is your duty to save this world of Allah from atomic annihilation. Gain Allah's pleasure and man's gratitude and a position of honour among the brotherhood of nations and a felicitous abode eternally in the next world. That should be your mark. If the avoidance of the atomic threat would seem impossible without first eradicating this Baconian culture of Anti-Christ origin and its infinite progress, destroy it and be sure that this world can live and has lived without this science-guided, ever-increasing and infinite type of modern progress. If you fail in this, then, Alas! But the ruin of this world and the ruin of the next eternal world is the most manifest consequence. And remember! because it is impossible o understand the view of the Quran regarding this modern age correctly without keeping the Baconian's philosophy against the Quran, a prominent feature of the 15th century programme should be the compulsory study of Bacon's books in educational institutions in the Islamic World. And may Allah save this world from atomic hell. And may He lead us unto the eternal bliss. Amen. No gift of the Islamic world to this present-day mankind could be better than this interpretation of the warning of the Quran about the atomic hell as the fifteenth century Hijra gift.

Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel
C/O Khalid General Strores, Main Bazar, Nawababad, Wah Cantt. Distt. Rawalpindi,

Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel
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