Universal Humanism

(Israrul Haque, )

The Upanishads are clear that the flame is the same even though the types of fuel may vary.” The different religions are the windows through which God’s light shines into man’s soul. Radhakrishnan also held that ‘All religions are intertwined at the roots and meet at the summit.’ This mode of thinking has led Rumi saying: “There are many lamps but the light is one.’ Iqbal has been quoted to affirm: ‘There is only one religion but there are many versions of it. There may be different revelations of the Divine but they are all forms of the Supreme. These concepts are not above controversies.

However, this is what people believe because the people never got to see Islam as a Deen (a complete way of life) they saw it as a madhab (religion). As a result, Islam only developed as a religious cult. Today, the Muslims’ thought and minds too have become secular; we do accept the role of religion in our personal lives, but reject the role of religion in our collective, public lives; But a conscious Muslim realizes that Islam is a Deen and not a mere religion as a conscious Hindu realizes that Hinduism is not a religion, it is just a culture.

In India Islam was encountered using two different strategies. The Bhakti movement took all the principles from Islam that appealed to the common people (Tauheed, social fraternity, etc.) and the rituals from Hinduism, and came up with a new religion, Sikhism. The other strategy was to introduce the philosophy of Pantheism (Hamaoost) through Sufism. The purpose was to diminish the importance of Shari'ah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These defensive strategies adopted by the Hindus were successful in stopping Islam from making a complete sweep in India. These strategies worked because the Muslims never tried to understand the Hindu mind. The enmities between the two nations and various kinds of restrictions have only helped in restricting the propagation of Islam. Faith without wisdom, without tolerance and respect for others ways of life is a dangerous thing.

The reason Islam did not made a great impact was that the pure Islamic teachings of social justice never got introduced in India, only the individual duties and rituals were taught. Likewise, it was considered as a mere collection of few dogmas and rituals along with a faith on the unity of the Divinity reflecting its ism as Buddhism or Sikhism. The fate of Buddhism is before us. Buddhism was merged into Hinduism and Buddhism in its original form can now only be found outside India.

At a point when Hindu fundamentalism is in its downward journey, the time is right to propagate the pristine message of the Qur'an to satisfy the thirst of the Hindus for an ideology. The 200-250 million Muslim populations and the usage of social fraternity and social harmony throughout India will be favorable for our efforts.

Islam preaches respect for others ways of life, whatever their practices may be. Quran asks us not to revile those who worship others besides Allah, lest they out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance.

It is a noteworthy fact that there is no people, nation or civilization that is totally untouched by the damaging effects of the western civilization. Scanning the Muslim civilization, the undeniable marks of the west can be clearly seen imprinted on the face of the Muslim civilization. The important questions to ask in this regard are: who is the driving force behind this global civilization? What objectives do they want to achieve by promoting such a civilization? And what is their methodology of accomplishing their objectives?

Outwardly, one gets the impression that America is the focal point of this civilization, however, this is nothing but a mirage. In reality, the prime movers behind the present global civilization are the Jews. America is but a puppet in the hands of its Jewish masters.

Throughout their history, the Jews have, time and again, defied Allah (SWT) and His Prophets. As a result, on several occasions, Allah (SWT) punished them for their treacheries so that they may learn their lesson. It was due to their constant disobedience to Allah (SWT) that they were driven out of Palestine. After this expulsion, they were scattered through the world. Wherever they went, they were treated with degrading humiliation. It was the Muslims of Spain who let the Jews enter Spain and allowed them to live there in peace. From here, the Jews embarked on a long-term plan to bring the whole world under the yoke of their rule.

During the days when Christendom existed, the Christians were the greatest obstacle standing in the way of Jewish dreams. The Christians viewed the Jews as apostates for playing the lead-role in the “crucifixion” of Jesus (AS) and, as such, would never allow the Jews to rise to prominence. Under these circumstances, it was necessary for the Jews to first target the Christendom to create a soft spot for the Jews. Towards this end, the Jews infiltrated Christian ranks and were able to carve out a new, ultra liberal sect – the Protestants – who was friendly to the Jewish. Since then, the Protestant world (especially the WASP) has been exploited by the Jews to achieve their goals.

The Jews first promoted the doctrine of secularism, which de-authorized religion to play any role in public matters. Having removed religion – which had banned interest – from the position of authority, the way was paved for the legalization of interest. It was not long until the Protestants, instigated by the Jews, went against the age-old biblical teachings and legalized interest (riba). This declaration enabled the Jews to establish a banking system, which eventually engulfed the whole world in debt and loans.

Next step after this was the promotion of a lifestyle based on vulgarity and sexual gratification. Such social values estranged humanity away from its humanness and brought it closer to the animal kingdom. Reducing mankind to the status of mere animals is part of the Jewish plan: the Jews consider non-Jews as less than human (gentiles) and consider it their birthright to exploit non-Jews.

After the dismantling of Christianity, the Jews now consider the Muslim civilization as the greatest, and perhaps the only, remaining obstacle in the fulfillment of their plans. In addition, the Jewish hatred of Muslims is also rooted in jealousy, which goes back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This is so because at the time of the Prophet (SAW), the Jews were also awaiting a prophet; they were certain that he would be from amongst their own race. However, when Allah (SWT) sent a Messenger from amongst the Arabs, the Jews rejected him (SAW) and turned against him (SAW) in jealousy. Since then, the Jews have embarked on a strategy to harm the Muslims in any way they can. Alluding to the conspiracies of the Jews, the Qur'an declared that they would eventually fail:

They (Jews) desire to extinguish the Light of Allah (SWT) from the blows of their mouths (propaganda), but Allah (SWT) will perfect His Light, much as the disbelievers may dislike it. [al-Qur'an 61:8]

On the theoretical and ideational plain, the “Light of Allah (SWT)” has already been perfected (and the Prophet successfully implemented it in his lifetime in the Arabian Peninsula); what remains is its practical implementation on a global plain.

Muslims need to understand that the Prophet (SAW) was sent for all humanity and for all times to come. Hence, his (SAW) mission will remain incomplete unless and until Islam dominates the whole globe. Now, in the absence of the Prophet (SAW), it is the duty of his (SAW) follower’s to accomplish this task. Iqbal had also pointed to this fact in his own way:

There is no time to waste, the work is yet to be completed
The Light of Tauheed is yet to be completed

Today, the whole world stands united in the cause of checking the march of Islam. It was for this cause that NATO was recently reorganized; and it is for this cause that the Jews have turned the Muslims into their enemy and target number one. The present global phobia against terrorism was introduced for the same reason of vilifying and impeding the march of Islam.

Presently, the whole world is dominated by the godless, western civilization that is rooted in three elements:

1. A political system based on secularism – the separation of religion and politics.
2. An economic system based on interest and gambling (the greatest interest-promotion centers are the banks, while the greatest gambling-promotion centers are the stock exchanges). Interest (riba) and lottery-like treasure hunts lie at the heart of our economy;
3. A social system based on vulgarity and sexual gratification, the mass scale on which vulgarity and sexual gratification is spreading in Muslim societies is unprecedented in their history. The cultural invasion from the other side has nevertheless continued through movies, TV, etc.

On the opposite ends of the broad spectrum of anti-Islam views, there are two very general and deep-rooted misconceptions: one that the Holy Quran preaches intolerance, and the other that Islam is a religion of peace alone. Misrepresentations on the part of both Muslims and non-Muslims could go no further.

As for the Muslims, they are currently under the grips of Divine punishment for the crime of not establishing Allah’s laws As such, they have lost the ability to stand up for their rights and protect themselves. There is only one hope for the Muslims, and that is the growing interest and desires among many a Muslims for the revivification of Islam. It is this desire and interest in Islam that the Jews are hell-bent on extinguishing.

In conclusion, under the current global circumstances, for the Muslims, there is only one way out of the present, dismal, pathetic predicament: to recommit and rededicate ourselves to Islam and be willing to sacrifice the material comforts for the sake of our religion The Muslims were assigned, by Almighty Allah (SWT), the task to follow Islam as well as to preach and propagate its message.

It is incumbent upon us to propagate Islam through interfaith dialogue so that the purpose of our creation is complete, and the kingdom becomes a lighthouse of Islam for the whole world. Islam wants people to believe not in sectarian and dogmatic religion but in universal and humane one, the goal of Islam is to reach universal brotherhood, which should ensure continuous flowering of human potentialities. Without this type of zealous and enthusiastic fervor, our miseries will not subside.

In a tradition narrated by Hadrat Omar, the Prophet (SAW) said: "Verily Allah will raise a nation due to this Quran, and will degrade it due to this Quran." The message here is very clear: If we make the Quran our leader, we will be leading humanity. If we turn our back to it, we’ll be put to degradation. Are we degraded today?

Israrul Haque
About the Author: Israrul Haque Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.