Cry Over Spilt Milk

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Now that all the nation is crying for some sanity and change in the present policy of state, our rulers are giving no any heed and are busy in enjoying power, pelf and property at the expense of the public miseries. Though people are selling their body organs and their blood relations in order to keep the hearths burning for the reaming ones, our rulers are busy in appeasing the wrath of the modern day pharaoh by offering the sacrificial of our tribals everyday.

It is estimated that the annual consumption of wheat in NWFP is 31 lac tons, and during the current harvesting seasons that much wheat has been provided to the province but, alas, that the mill owners sold it to the smugglers who for petty gains sold it to the Yankees in Afghanistan and left the sons of Bach Khan in starvation. And all this was done before the eyes of those who are dying for the right of Pakhtuns and who are the upholders of Bach Khan’s philosophy.

We know for certain that in the present state of affairs when no state agency come to the rescue of the nation, when the angry mob do not remain a silent spectator and burnt all the boats of hope, the same agencies will resist and the barrels of their guns will be pointed on them. This has been the history of the human being which is considered superior to the other creature of Allah.

When all the nation is desirous to know the real causes of all this insurgency in the country and about the hidden hands who are supporting all this then why our ruling junta is fearing of disclosing the enemy of the nation. If they are not disclosing the real causes of all this and the hidden hands of our enemies then no doubts they will be considered as fully in commune with those who want to repeat the catastrophe of 1971,and snatch our nuclear capabilities from us, the last hope of the whole Ummah.

And those who are crying before the nation not to become silent spectator and come out for the safety of the state are getting support day by day. If our Neros do not change their policies then it is very likely that we face a complete failure.

And, I repeat, at the arrival of this moment the skull of the state agencies will be wide enough to grasp the gravity of the situation and stained the streets of our cities with the blood of their own people, but now they are being hijacked by a few puppets who are jeopardizing the existence of the this God gifted state for the appeasements of Yankees and for few dollars.

These puppets do not have the courage to say openly that because of Yankees we are being entangled in this quagmire.

I repeat-- Stop supporting the Yankees in the war against terror and completely shun off the policies of Pervez Musharaf and then see what happen. If still the fake Taliban are challenging the writ of the government then see the nation of the Paks what it do to you. The whole nation will be behind you and will back you in all such move where the interests of the state are at jeopardy.

In the present state of affairs when you are playing the role of a front line state in order to prolong the occupation of the Yankees in Afghanistan, if you are crying with full throat that it is in the interests of the nation, no one is ready to believe you.

Abu Shahab
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