Catching India ‘Red-Hand’

(Farooq Alay, Islamabad)

India’s ‘terror-confidence’ has reached a point where now it has come in open from what the agencies have been calling covert. The enemy is now threatening openly through media giving deadlines like “see what happens in 15 days in Balochistan”. Indian media is raising day and night hue and cry against Pakistan under a well-directed plan. A similar kind of response is not being given by the Pakistani media. However, our security forces are thankfully exposing India ‘red-handed’. By unveiling the dossier containing “irrefutable evidence” of India sponsoring terrorism by the Foreign Minister and DG ISPR our security forces have not only showed to the world the true face of India, but also have acted preemptively and neutralized a major terrorist network during an intelligence-based operation in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s Bajaur tribal district. The network was coordinating terrorist activities in various areas of Pakistan and received direct orders from their RAW-sponsored leadership from across the border. Our security forces need to display similar kind of more proactive vigilance to safeguard the motherland. It is my humble request to our media stalwarts to kindly shun differences of your own and concentrate on the common threat from the enemy.

Farooq Alay
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