6 Easy Ways To Improve Eyesight

(Mehmaiz, Lahore)

Eyes are essential parts of our body and it is very important for us to protect them. Our eyes get weak as we age because they are very sensitive. That is why it is very common to see old people wearing glasses. But, there are many ways to keep your eyes in good condition and improve your attention to see the small objects without wearing glasses or lens. You do different kinds of exercises — like walking, aerobics — to keep your body in shape. Similarly, your eyes also need some workouts to perform well.

Eating the right food can also improve your vision. Carrots and strawberries are good sources of vitamin A and C, which are essential for the health of your eyes. So, if you eat a carrot and a few strawberries every day, it can contribute to improving your vision.

If you feel a headache or pain behind your eyes, it is a sign that you are putting too much pressure on your eyes. Using the smartphone, computer, or watching television for more than two hours without taking any break is also harmful to your eyes. Below are six easy and quick ways to enhance your vision and keep your eyes in a good physical form.

Blink often.
It is an age of smartphones and social media, and that is why we sometimes find ourselves in the conditions when we forget to blink. Constantly looking at a screen makes us fail to remember to blink. It causes discomfort in our eyes, and we get tired very fast. Make it your habit to open-and-shut your eyes continuously for at least five seconds every hour. In this way, your eyes will feel refreshed and relaxed.

Imagine Eight.
It is one of the simplest eye workouts and you can do it almost anywhere and at any time of the day. To begin, imagine that there is a large illustration of number eight at the distance of 10 feet (3.05 m) and you are looking at it. Now, visualize this number on its sides and try to draw over it. Do it for a few minutes and your eyes will feel good and you can also get a relief from a headache.

Focus something.
It is an activity that makes your vision more powerful. All you need to do is to attentively look at any remote object for five seconds. Afterward, shift your focus to a nearby object and look at it for a few seconds. You will feel energized and get more attentive.

Take naps.
There are times when you are very tired and don’t feel like doing anything. During the exams, it has often been observed that the students study all day long and end up suffering from poor vision problems. Taking a nap is the best practice to keep your eyes healthy and avoid yourself from getting tired easily. Making it your routine can also keep you happy and improve your mood.

Palm trick.
This exercise will provide comfort to your eyes when you are feeling strain behind your eyeballs. First, rub your hands together and then close your eyes and put your palms on them. Feel the warmth of your hands over your eyes and make sure that your eyes are completely covered by them. Also, you should be able to blink without any trouble while doing this exercise.

Use eyewear.
While hanging out with your friends or going to the office or school, it is good to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. An eyewear keeps your eyes safe from the dust particles and other harmful objects like chemicals and edgy objects.

About Author: Mehmaiz Ali is a student of journalism at the University of the Punjab. He tweets @Mehmaiz

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