(Sadaf Shaheen, )

The infamous teenage years are prime time for trying new things and asserting one’s independence. As teens transition into adulthood, they often become tempted by adult activities. They want to follow their parents’ lead, try things their friends have already done, and establish their own identities.Drug abuse can negatively affect the memory of teenagers. This may lead to poor academic performance and difficulty memorizing things. The problem may deteriorate as a person grows older. During the teenage years, the brain sheds gray matter to work more efficiently.

Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs, alcohol, or other substances as a means of coping with stress, relating to their peers, and rebelling against authority.

Teenagers and young adults get involved with alcohol and drugs for many reasons, including:
• Curiosity: They want to know what it feels like to be drunk, intoxicated, or high.
• Peer pressure: Their friends are doing it or pressuring them to do the same.
• Acceptance: Their parents or role models are doing it and they want to feel accepted by those they look up to.
• Defiance: They want to rebel against rules placed on them.
• Risk-taking behaviors: They want to send out a call for help.
• Thrill-seeking activities: They want to experience something other than numbness.
• Boredom: They feel there is nothing else to do, and trying drugs or alcohol gives them a feeling of excitement.
• Independence: They want to make their own decisions and assert their own independence.
• Pleasure: They want to feel good. Teens are dealing with a heavy mix of emotions, and drugs can help numb any pain and make them feel better even when times are tough.

parents can prevent drug abuse! Parents are the best protection youngsters can have against drug abuse. Prevention is the process, which builds into children a resistance to abusing drugs, so that drug use never begins.Research indicates that children and teenagers diagnosed with ADHD are at greater risk to alcohol and drug abuse than children and teenagers in the normal population. The following are important elements in helping kids resist becoming involved with drugs and alcohol:
1.Love and affectionate as the child grows.
2. Consistent and fair discipline.
3. Open channels of communication for thoughts and feelings.
4. Opportunities for successful experiences at home and in school.
5. A stable family atmosphere (family time together, family rituals).
6. Tolerance of the child's mistakes (no put-downs).
7. Models of strong, thoughtful and feeling adults.
8. Accurate information about the problems of growing up today (sexuality, drugs, crime, etc.)

Sadaf Shaheen
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