(SHAZAK FATIMA, Rawalpindi)

Awareness is rising about making the right decisions when it comes to what we put in our bodies but many of us are beginning to take similar care with what we put on our bodies. Every woman dreams to have a perfect looking beautiful skin. Unfortunately, everybody at some point in their life faces skin problems like discoloration, two-tones and hyper-pigmentation; rough skin, skin fades and a lot more.

With increase in global warming temperature of our planet is rising as well as of our country, making extreme weather conditions for us. Take a look on Islamabad, Hyderabad, Karachi, Sibbi, Lahore, every city is facing hot climate and harsh weather with long load shedding. These harsh environmental conditions are too bad for health and skin.

Well, the most important we talk about is our skin! Yes, the largest organ of our body and is the most damaged part of our body.

We must be well aware of what we are eating and applying on our skin to take care of it. One cannot easily differentiate either a product is genuine or a copy one. The buyers are cheated about these products because sub standard products are commonly found in market.

To buy a genuine product one must visit some big store or the outlet of company itself. This is the only one way to get a genuine product for your skin. Definitely your skin will thank you for this!

A constant care is necessary to achieve a healthy glow of our skin to achieve a healthy glow. First thing to healthy-looking skin is maintaining an internal regimen.

A good routine for caring of skin will take off damaged, dull and toned skin. Take some time out of your tough daily routine to pamper it. Cleanse, scrub, toner, a good hydrating mask, skin serum and moisturizer concludes a good skincare routine to be followed twice-thrice a week preferable before bedtime. A question asked by most of us is “Why we need to conclude a skin care before Bed time?” And the answer to it is because this is the time for body repair and noticeable results are seen.

Another day time protection for harsh weather is Sun block protection. A higher SP is recommended for the weather conditions in Pakistan. Make sure to apply it right way. Sun blocks may be used according to manufacturer’s instructions before going out in sun for a long time. This is equally good & recommended for both men and women.

Water is as important for skin as sun block and other routines. Whenever it’s about skin, its water consumption that we can’t ignore to talk on.

Water is like a miracle to the skin. Water helps in detoxifying our body, removing toxic materials from blood and body and hence helping to regain the natural glow of skin. Drinking about 8 glass of water make the skin glow, youthful and hydrated is recommended.

It’s time to take care of the skin. A good skincare routine should be gender-free! We can prevent, fight and subside many skin-related problems just by proper skincare routine and don’t forget to apply sun block protection to be safe and health.

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About the Author: SHAZAK FATIMA Read More Articles by SHAZAK FATIMA: 3 Articles with 1340 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.