
PakWatan - Find the contact information about the PakWatan online on this page. You can figure out the first hand information about the PakWatan related to its website addresses, contact numbers and postal address. Find all you want to know from this page!

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Mr. Muhammad Shaukat Sindhu elder brother of Mr. Nadeem Aftab Sindhu prominent and successful Pakistani businessman in America was eager to help Pakistan and the Pakistani community. It was also their ambition to provide a clean source of entertainment, information, education and news for the people of Faisalabad Region. Therefore, the Pakwatan Group introduced Mediacom, the largest Fiber-Optic Cable Network in Faisalabad, which is successfully functioning under his brilliant and experienced guidance of Mr. Nadeem Aftab Sindhu, Chief Executive of the Company since the year 2002. “Pakwatan.e.Services International” the largest Web portal is functioning throughout the World which was established during the year 2000. This web portal is successfully catering needs of the community simultaneously it also enjoys the distinction in developing and maintaining high technique software solutions. They are available at your click at for complete and updated information and your valued feedback. They provide information about pakistani culture, news, health care, travel guide, business, Fashion, Entertainment, Education, Sports, Government, Islam, Currency Rates, Horoscope and much more.
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