Ume Ali Recipe By Tahir Chaudhary

Ume Ali recipe by Tahir Chaudhary. This delightful Latest recipe of Ume Ali can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:45 - 0:25

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Rasi from Gawadar
  1. Baqar khani  4-5
    Butter   2 tbsp
    Dates    ½ cup
    Milk       3 cup
    Cream   ½ cup
    Sugar     ½ cup
    Cinnamon powder ½ tsp
  • Set baqar khani on dish. Now pour   3 cups of milk, ½ cup cream, and ½ cup of cinnamon powder over it.Now put 2 tbsp of butter and ½ cup of dates bake at 160 or 170 degrees for baking in  an oven until golden brown
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