Curried Tuna (Tuna Ki Kari) Recipe

Try out this remarkable Curried Tuna (Tuna Ki Kari) online posted for your assistance. This recipe is delicious to the core and can be an ultimate treat for the foodies and can make you earn maximum praises.


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  1. • ½ tablespoons vegetable oil
  2. • 50g (2oz) onion, peeled and cut into very fine half-rings
  3. • 1 garlic clove, peeled and very finely chopped
  4. • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  5. • 1 x 175g (6oz) tin good-quality tuna, packed in oil
  6. • 1/2–1 fresh, hot green chilli, cut into very fine rounds
  7. • 1cm (1/2 in) piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut into very fine slices, then into very fine strips
  8. • 2–3 tablespoons chopped green coriander
  9. • salt, to taste
  10. • freshly ground black pepper
  • Put the oil in a non-stick frying pan and set over medium– high heat.When hot, add the onion and garlic. Stir and fry until the onion turns brown at the edges. Put in the curry powder, stir once or twice. Add the tuna. Stir it around and break up any big lumps. Turn the heat to low. Add the green chilli, ginger and green coriander. Stir to mix. Check for salt, adding it if needed. Add a generous amount of black pepper. Mix well and turn off the heat. Serve hot, at room temperature or cold.
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