Chicken Chops Recipe By Zubaida Tariq

Chicken Chops recipe by Zubaida Tariq. This delightful recipe of Chicken Chops can be ready in Minutes and good to serve around People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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Samaria from Gujrat
  1. Chicken Legs bones6
    Chicken mince   ½ kg
    Bread slices3
    Bread crumbs1 packet
    Soya sauce2 tbsp
    White vinegar2 tbsp
    Boiled potatoes ½ kg
    Saltto taste
    Crushed black pepper
    Chopped green chilies6
    Oilto fry
    1. Add in salt, 2 tbsp soya sauce and 2 tbsp white vinegar in boneless chicken or mince. Cook it till the water dries. Then add in 3 bread slices and chop trhem together in the chopper. Add in 6 chopped green chilies and ½ tbsp crushed black pepper. Take a hand full of mixture and put them on chicken legs. Cover it with boiled potatoes. Dip them in egg and roll them in bread crumbs. Deep fry them and serve it with tomato ketchup.
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