EURO to PKR - Today Euro Rate in Pakistan

297.68 PKR

26 Apr 2024 - Today 1 EUR to PKR conversion rate is PKR 297.68 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. Euro to PKR buying and selling rates are different in inter bank and open market rates. Euro to Pakistani Rupee trading at the interbank rate remained unchanged from yesterday. Use the calculator below to convert currencies online.

Interbank EUR Rate
26 Apr 24 PKR297.14 PKR297.68
Open Market Rate
26 Apr 24 PKR294.00 PKR297.00
1 Euro = 297.68 Pakistani Rupees
As on Apr 26, 2024 at 07:29 PST (GMT+5)
EUR to PKR Stats
Last 30 days Last 90 days
High 303.09 304.6
Low 297.68 297.68
Average 301.45 302.12
EUR TO PKR chart & Graph
Euro Profile
Name Symbol Minor Unit Minor Unit Symbol
Euro 1/100 = cent cent

EUR to PKR Interbank Rates History

Date Buying Selling
Today 297.14 297.68
26 Apr, 24 297.14 297.68
25 Apr, 24 297.14 297.68
24 Apr, 24 297.14 297.68
23 Apr, 24 297.68 298.21
22 Apr, 24 297.68 298.21
21 Apr, 24 298.40 300.00
20 Apr, 24 298.40 300.00
19 Apr, 24 296.40 302.00
18 Apr, 24 296.40 302.00
17 Apr, 24 296.40 302.00
What is EUR to PKR Today?

Weekly performance of EUR to PKR shows increased in value and Pakistani Rupee is up by PKR 2.32 or 0.773%. The peak conversion exchange rate of Euro to PKR was PKR 300 and lowest PKR 297.68 conversion.

Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for EUR to PKR: High PKR 303.09 and Low PKR 297.68 in value, where buying was PKR 297.14 and Selling 297.68

EURO Rate in Pakistan Today

The euro is the official currency of the European Union. It is an alliance of 28 countries working together to promote goods independently to improve the country's economic situation. The euro is symbolized as EUR. Pakistan's euro exchange rate is significantly higher, and it is anticipated to rise further in the future. Many years ago, the euro's lowest value in Pakistan was around 80 rupees. It has now surpassed Rs 100 and is continuously increasing, look at the rate of Euro to Pkr currency.

What factors affect the Euro to PKR exchange rate?

The exchange rate between the Euro and PKR is continuously changing and can affect people who travel or conduct international transactions. Currently, 1 Euro in Pakistani rupees worth more than 200 Rupees. The exchange rate can be influenced by various factors, including political stability, economic growth, and global events. It is crucial to keep up-to-date with economic news to make informed decisions when exchanging currencies. It is recommended to compare exchange rates of Euro rate in Pakistan from different banks and exchange companies to get the best deal if you plan to exchange Euros to Pakistani Rupees or vice versa.

Latest Trends in Euro to PKR Exchange Rate

According to the latest Euro rate in Pakistan trend is observing an increase in the value of the Euro rate Pakistan compared to the previous trading session. Over the past four weeks, the EUR to PKR exchange rate has experienced a steady upward trend, with a notable gain of 6.57 percent. Looking back even further, over the past 12 months, the Euro Pakistani Rupee has experienced a significant increase in value, rising by 54.30 percent.

Based on global macroeconomic models and analysts' expectations, it is forecasted that the 1 Euro in Pakistani Rupee exchange rate will continue to rise in the coming months. At the end of this quarter, it is projected to be priced at 300.791, and in one year's time, it is expected to be priced at 309.140.

These forecasts suggest that the Euro Pakistani Rupee exchange rate is expected to maintain its positive momentum, potentially benefiting businesses and individuals who engage in international trade and transactions involving these currencies. However, it is important to note that exchange rates can be influenced by various economic and political factors, which may result in unforeseen fluctuations in the exchange rate.


How much is 1 Euro to PKR today?

Today 1 Euro to PKR is Rs 297.68. In the last 30 days, the rate of EUR to PKR is fallen down.

What is the EUR to PKR Interbank Rate today?

The EUR to PKR Interbank Rate today is 297.68 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

What is the EUR to PKR Open Market Rate today?

The EUR to PKR Open Market Rate today is 297.00 Pakistani Rupees for selling.

How much is 50 EUR in PKR?

50 EUR is equivalent to 14884.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How much is 100 EUR in PKR?

100 EUR is equivalent to 29768.00 Pakistani Rupees today.

How can I exchange Euro to Pakistani rupees?

You can exchange Euro into Pakistani Rupees from the money changers or currency exchange currencies.

Comments on EUR to PKR Rate in Pakistan

EUR to PKR in seconds! Quick exchange rates for European deals.

  • By: Ammar
  • on Thu 25 Apr, 2024

This currency conversion platform is a convenient tool for travelers, traders, and investors. It allows users to convert amounts between EUR and PKR, with real-time exchange rates and a user-friendly interface.

  • By: Ehsan
  • on Fri 19 Apr, 2024

EUR to PKR rates are important for traders and investors dealing with euro-based transactions in Pakistan.

  • By: Laraib
  • on Wed 03 Apr, 2024

Keep an eye on Euro exchange rates against the Pakistani Rupee with the EUR to PKR forex page, essential for traders interested in Euro currency pairs.

  • By: Raza
  • on Wed 27 Mar, 2024

Convert EUR to PKR seamlessly with precise Euro to Pakistani Rupee rates.

  • By: Wania
  • on Mon 25 Mar, 2024

Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates used on this page are obtained from various sources of money market. The rates here are only for info purpose and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. Please refer your local money market or banks for daily updated rate.