The Commander Began Weeping

(SHAGUFTA ILYAS, Karachi,Pakistan.)

 “Commander, Commander, I have some very good news for you,” The soldier cried as he came running up. He was out of breath and his body was drenched in perspiration. But didn’t seem to care.

“Ah, Khalid! It’s been ages since I’ve heard any good news. Quickly, tell what it is?”

“No!” The Commander cried in disbelief. He could hardly believe his ears. “Yes, yes. It is true. I have really seen him. I can recognize him in millions.”

“Then that really is very good news. Tell me the details. Can we reach him?” The Commander asked restlessly.

“Actually, the thing is Commander, that he has changed his appearance quite a lot. But he couldn’t fool me. I recognized him at once. He’s staying in a very posh hotel.”

“Excellent! Find out everything about him within a day or two. Don’t leave anything to chance. We don’t want him to escape this time.”

“But Commander there are four body guards with him.”

“That shouldn’t matter to us.” The Commander said dismissively. “All we want to do is to catch Rawanda. I don’t care even if I die doing it. We’ve got to catch him.”

Khalid gave him a smart salute and quickly left the room. Two days later he had all the information the needed and in its light the Commander had drawn up a plan. On the third day four men booked two rooms in the hotel where Rawanda was staying. Luckily the rooms across the corridor had been empty. They could keep an eye on Rawanda and his guards easily.

That very night they put their plan in to actions. Very quietly, using the master key, they opened the door Rawands’s room and quickly stepped inside. They saw Rawanda lying on the bed, fast asleep. The Commander went forward and put his handkerchief in his nose. There was barely any resistance. The body went limp.

The Commander’s man had already dressed themselves like Rawanda’s guards. They held Kalashnikovs in their hands too. One of them rang up the clerk at the hotel’s counter and told the clerk that one of his companions had suddenly fallen ill. He had become unconscious and an ambulance must be called immediately. Saying so he kept the phone down. Using the master key again, the four of them opened the rooms of the guards one by one and soon they were lying unconscious too. Now there was no chance that nay one of them, sensing danger, would raise a hue and cry.

The ambulance arrived and they easily managed to escape with their prey. A few yards ahead Khalid was waiting with his car. He had parked it in such a way that there was hardly any space for the ambulance to pass through. The ambulance driver stuck his head out the window and shouted angrily. “Get out of my way. You can’t block the road like this.”

“Don’t be angry. My car’s broken down and I can’t move it. Could you come down and help me push it?”

Muttering rudely under his breath, the driver came down and began to push the car. As soon as it was out of the way, Khalid’s friends drove off in the ambulance. The driver ran after them, shouting, “Stop! Stop! Thieves, Stop!”

But they were certainly not going to stop. No way. Khalid caught up with the driver, overpowered him and put the handkerchief over his nose. He then dragged the inert form to a tree and laying him down gently said, “I’m sorry I had to do this, but there was no other way out. You’ll soon become conscious again and then you can go back to your duty. You will find your ambulance parked nearby.” Going back to his car, Khalid drove way. Soon all of them were crowded around Rawanda. He was lying in bed, breathing deeply. At last he opened his eyes and stared at everyone. His eyes widened with fear as recognition downed upon him.

“Wh…where am I?” he stammered.

“You are where you should be. For a long time now we’ve been waiting for you. We had given up all hope that you would ever come back here. But now great is Allah (سبحانہ وتعالیٰ) that he has sent you to our country again. Remember I and my companions here were in the same prison where you were in charge? I remember vividly too how ruthless and cruel you were. There was no means of torture you did not apply upon us, no cruelty which

You did not practise. Mr. Rawanda you had ordered your men to tear off our beards from our faces, leaving them raw and bleeding. You had left us naked in our cells with sub zero temperatures outside. While your pilots were raining down Daisy cutter bombs on our helpless women and children outside, your men were raining blows with metal sticks upon our defenceless bodies. Your men had urinated upon our faces and if anyone of us had cried out an agonized “Allah!” You had thrust his head in shit and told him to eat. Anyone who had recited the Qur’an was punished with electric shocks to his private parts. Shall I go on? But what you did is unspeakable. We remember and I think you haven’t forgotten it too. Can you deny it? Go on, say that I’m lying...that you were only obeying orders from above. But that won’t get you off, oh no, not so easily. We’ve caught you at last and now you’ll pay for all you did to us. And don’t worry. No one’s going to look for you till morning. And let me tell you they can’t rescue you even then. For one thing we are for away from any locality and for another we’ll kill you first before letting you go. You see my friends here? See their hands itching to take revenge? They’ve live for this day. They’ve searched for you low and wide and now their search’s come to an end. Here my friends, Mr. Rawanda is all yours.”

“No…no… you can’t do this,” Rawanda shrieked. “I…I…”

“Wait,” The Commander’s man stopped in their tracks.

“We cannot take revenge. Mr. Rawanda, we can’t strip off your cloth, beat you till you are half dead. Neither can we thrust your face into shit, not apply electric current to your body parts. We can’t pay you back for what you did to us, and do you know why Mr. Rawanda? Because our Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam has ordered us not to treat our prisoners badly. We have been told to give them the same food we eat and not to abuse or ill-treat them. We have the right to keep in prison. We shall do that and nothing more. Yes, we will invite you to accept Islam, it is up to you whether you do or not. Take him away, my men… deal with him only as our beloved Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) has asked us to, no more, no less… Yes, take him away.” The Commander’s voice ended on a sob; tears were flowing from his eyes. His men were crying too… the rain of their tears dousing the fire of revenge in their breasts.

About the Author: SHAGUFTA ILYAS Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.