Khajla Recipe in Urdu

Khajla belongs to the baqar khani family and is the prime breakfast meal. In the holy month of Ramadan, Khajla is highly consumed in Sehri. To prepare Khajla recipe, you need Khajla maida, arwaroot and desi ghee. It is a good source of having carbs and high amount of calories, that can help you stay energized for day long. You can make Khajla at home by trying this easy recipe online. People like to have Khajla with milk you can add sugar as well for increasing the amount of sweetness. This recipe takes lesser time to prepare. You can garnish with nuts (optional) for better presentation.

Khajla Recipe in Urdu

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Shazia from
  1. کھجلہ میدہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ 2/1کلو اراروٹ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ایک پاؤ گھی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک پاؤ
  • پہلے2/1کلو میدے کو پیالے میں ڈالیں اور اس میں ڈیڑھ کپ پانی شامل کرکے ہاتھ سے ہلکے ہلکے ملائیں۔ اب اسے تھوڑا گوندھیں اور پیڑا بنا کر10منٹ کے لئے چھوڑ دیں۔تاکہ وہ نرم ہوجائے۔ پھر اسے پتلابیل لیں اور درمیان میں گھی لگا دیں۔ اسکے بعد اسے رول کریں اور 10منٹ کے لئے چھوڑ دیں۔ آخر میں اسے روٹی کی طرح گول بیلیں اور ہلکے گرم گھی میں آہستہ سے چھوڑ دیں۔ پھر اس پر ہلکے ہلکے گھی ڈالتے رہیں۔
Reviews & Discussions

For this ramadan it is such a good thought to make khajla in the home for that I am noticing its recipe.

  • Hifza, Bhawalpur
  • Fri 10 Apr, 2020

I make this by mine own recipe which mine family really like to eat that and I am thinking that the next time I make the khajla by this recipe

  • areesha, panjab
  • Thu 11 May, 2017

A popular food during Ramadan in Pakistan is Phehni, deep-fried protein-rich vermicelli.This pastry, made from flour and fried in ghee, is usually eaten during Sahur. 

  • sadia, kashmir
  • Sun 09 Apr, 2017

this belongs from baqer khani family. It is a healthy food that you can use to eat it in breakfast. My all family members like to eat it.

  • eshaal, yangon
  • Thu 06 Apr, 2017

Thanks to this amazing page that has given us so many new recipes. I can’t get enough of it. Khajla is the most recent one that I have just saw on this page. It looks tempting. Let me try it!

  • Aaeesha, Lahore
  • Tue 28 Mar, 2017

don't like.

  • mahnaz, lahore
  • Mon 02 Feb, 2015

I don’t like it because it is very fatty and I feel some acidity problem after eating this and pheni. I think it is an unnecessary item of ramadan.

  • aresha, karachi
  • Sat 28 Jun, 2014

I was searching for the Recipe and I found it here, thanks ... I did not know it would be so easy, and special thanks for the Khajla Recipe in Urdu, all the shireen anwar recipes are available in Urdu and English.

  • Anima, Karachi
  • Tue 20 May, 2014

Thanks i will try this in Ramadan, Ramadan are near after a month we will be blessed with Holy Month of Ramadan

  • Hamida, Karachi
  • Fri 09 May, 2014