Chilli Cheese Omelette Recipe

Chilli Cheese Omelette Recipe is regarded among the popular dishes. Read the complete Chilli Cheese Omelette Recipe with ingredient details and method. It is a simple recipe and all required ingredients are easily available. Prepare the dish as per the Chilli Cheese Omelette Recipe from top chefs and add the true flavor or taste to your food. You can also share this recipe with your friends and family members.


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hina from khi
  1. * 1 spring onion
  2. * a few sprigs of fresh coriander
  3. * 2 large eggs
  4. * 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  5. * ½ -1 tsp chopped fresh red chilli , or a generous pinch dried chilli flakes
  6. * 25g mild grated cheddar
  • 1. Chop the spring onion and coriander quite finely and beat the eggs together with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a small frying pan then tip in the onion, coriander and chilli and stir round the pan for a second or two so they soften a little. Pour in the eggs and keep them moving until two thirds have scrambled.
  • 2. Settle the eggs back down on the base of the pan, scatter over the cheese and cook for about a minute until the omelette is just set and the cheese has melted.
  • 3. Carefully fold the omelette using a palette knife and slide from the pan to a serving plate. Eat while the omelette is hot and the cheese still melted.
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