A Suggestion

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

Fiscal year, fiscal deficit, GDP growth, inflation, foreign exchange reserves, stock exchange index, all these terms are Greek to us. All we know about the budget or the economic conditions of the country are the prices of the life commodities-- a lay man of the country can gauge the New Year budget or the economic performance of the party in power and its being people friendly from the prices of the daily commodities. If the man in the street can easily manage the life necessities in his monthly income than the economic policies can no doubt be termed as people friendly.

A simpleton like us can gauge the economic policies of the government in vogue through this parameter. And measuring the polices of the government of the last nine years plus the four months of the PPP led government it can be easily argued that their policies are not people friendly. For the first time in history of the nation a real threat to the existence of the underprivileged can be seen looming over their heads.

The champions of providing bread, sheet and shelters to the people are doing the opposite. Instead, they are snatching all these things from the mouth and hands of the people. If the situation remains unchanged for the next few months, economical pundits say that lest the social fabric breaks and we are faced with some untoward incident.

Believe me with every foreign tour of the rulers the first thinking which comes into the mind of a lay man is the expenditure bill and that too in millions.

For how long our Neros will be playing on the flutes. In such like situations the only ray of hope for the nation was the Pak-army. But this last ray was dimmed by our enemy through their agents still occupying decisive position in the state affairs. Where this nation will go?

Call him what you like, but like Fazal Rahman one will have to admit his acumen in the politics of the country. Now it should be clear to all why Amin Fahim was sidelined and Gilani was supported by the Washed man of NRO, Zardari. Amin Fahim was being feared lest he might not become Uncle Surgam.

Ask a little child, who is controlling the government, and he will thoughtlessly answer you that it is by Zardari in Dubai, Rahman Malik in Islamabad and Hussain Haqqani in Washington. He very will know the position of Gilani.

It is clear that in case of any misfortune, you will see all those who have been in power since the inception of this unfortunate state, driving BMW or Mercedes in western capitals with their children. They have made arrangements in advance. Shaukat Aziz has found a safe haven in London. The selling of the state precious assets like PTCL and Steel Mills can be construed a step in this direction.

But at that critical juncture I make a suggestion to all those who are occupying the power corridors of the state and are befooling us through the good names of democracy, bread, sheet and shelters. We know for certain what they are going to do at the end when they no more can occupy the throne. But if they have a least care for this unfortunate nation in their hearts they do it now – leave us and make a deal with those bidders who are desirous of occupying this country. Why this bloodshed? Why this price hike, sales taxes and other tricks of paving the way for this bidding? Roll your luggage and pursed your money and pardon us!

My choice will be Switzerland to win this bidding because it is said that it is a peace loving country and people are free to live a life of peace and enjoy freedom of expression and religion. The countries which I would like not to give a chance in the bidding are America and India because they are themselves jeopardizing the peace and freedom of other people and their own citizens are not safe from the state atrocities.

Abu Shahab
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