A journey Toward 2025

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

The long term policies of the enemies of this land of pure have started showing their effect on the overall living style of our society. At this very time, in the fields of my districts every where was greenery and the land was covered with the crops of rabee (spring harvest).

But today, except some eastern and northern areas of my district, all the other areas are barren and not a single acre of land has been cultivated. The reason behind all this is the price hike.

No doubt natural phenomenon is somewhat responsible but the main cause of this barrenness is the high prices of seeds plus the expenditure of ploughing by tractors.

Every year our cattle got enough food and our children got enough pulses to be sufficient to cater for the whole year.

In order to keep the luxuries of palaces of Islamabad alive, this last source of staple was snatched from the mouth the poor villagers. No more greenery can be seen in the rural areas of my country.

According to a report the government is getting crude oil from the oil rich country on Rs. 28/litre and sell it to its citizen for Rs. 80/litr (average price petrol and diesel). This much difference! But despite of all this, the nation is still ready to eat grass and tree leaves if our rulers content themselves with one dish.

On the one side there is a cold war among our rulers for luxuries—cars, costly costumes, several square meter palaces and on the other side are those who are yearning for two loaves of bread. How this society can progress?

Time has come to make a decision. Whether this country belongs to few chosen or this is the country of 160 millions Muslims. Qazi Hussain Ahmad won’t be pardoned for arguing that in case of any agitation our master in uniform will get in. The time of do or die has reached.

How far this nation can survive with the washed men of NRO who transgressed every limit in their American stooping. The extreme of Western slavery was the massacre of Jamia Hafsa. But here we see much more stooping and, may God save us, what sacrifice is in pipe line to be offered to the Western masters!

15 billion dollars has been promised to our Karzai. For 10 billion dollars the past eight years history is before us. What would be the charted of demands placed on the hands of the washed men of NRO, is coming soon.

Whether the nation, like the previous eight years, is ready to silently obey all the modern day pharaoh’s demands through their agents in the ruling class? Especially the Pukhtuns will have to oil their backs to bear all these. Nay the Pukhtuns will not only have to oil their backs but also have to set aside a guy in their homes in order to be offered as a sacrificial for the appeasement of the Pharaoh.

For the time being the champions of Pukhtuns are requested to abolish the ministry of family planning here in Pukhtunkwah.

Now the logic behind Musharaf’s slogan ‘sab say pehlay Pakistan’ is slowly gaining weight in our skull i.e., he offered every facility to the Yankees to ravage Afghanistan but did not allow Pakistan to become a 51st state of the Yankees.

And seeing at the extreme servitude of the washed men of NRO, may God save us, Pakistan is getting out of our hands. When room was burning Nero was playing at the flute.

Look at the stance of the ringleader of NRO washed men, Zardari who is saying that we will impeach the president because the western capitals have permitted us to do so. Still this nation is paying their taxes to their rulers and considers them as their own!

Abu Shahab
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