Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With S with Meaning

Muslim names have significant importance in Islamic culture, and parents choose them with great care and consideration. The names given to boys in the Muslim community have deep meanings, often rooted in Islamic history and culture.

The letter "S" is a popular choice for Muslim boy names, and there are many meaningful and unique names to choose from. In this blog, we will explore the Top 100 Muslim Boy Names Starting With S.

Saad: Meaning happiness or good fortune, Saad is a popular Muslim name.

Saif: Meaning sword or weapon, Saif is a strong and meaningful name.

Salah: Meaning righteousness or piety, Salah is a popular Muslim name.

Salman: Meaning peace or safety, Salman is a meaningful Muslim name with a rich history.

Sami: Meaning exalted or high, Sami is a popular Muslim name with a strong and positive meaning.

Sameer: Meaning entertaining companion, Sameer is a popular Muslim name.

Samir: Meaning jovial or cheerful, Samir is a popular Muslim name.

Sana: Meaning brilliance or radiance, Sana is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sarmad: Meaning eternal or timeless, Sarmad is a powerful and meaningful Muslim name.

Sarwar: Meaning leader or chief, Sarwar is a popular Muslim name.

Saud: Meaning good luck or fortune, Saud is a popular Muslim name.

Sayeed: Meaning happy or fortunate, Sayeed is a popular Muslim name.

Shabbir: Meaning full of grace or dignity, Shabbir is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shafiq: Meaning compassionate or sympathetic, Shafiq is a popular Muslim name.

Shahab: Meaning shooting star, Shahab is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shahbaz: Meaning royal falcon, Shahbaz is a popular Muslim name.

Shahid: Meaning witness or martyr, Shahid is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shahin: Meaning falcon, Shahin is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shakir: Meaning thankful or grateful, Shakir is a popular Muslim name.

Shams: Meaning sun, Shams is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sharif: Meaning noble or honorable, Sharif is a popular Muslim name.

Shaukat: Meaning honor or dignity, Shaukat is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sheraz: Meaning lover or sweetheart, Sheraz is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shoaib: Meaning prophet or messenger, Shoaib is a popular Muslim name.

Siddiq: Meaning truthful or sincere, Siddiq is a popular Muslim name.

Sufyan: Meaning fast or speedy, Sufyan is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Suhaib: Meaning handsome or radiant, Suhaib is a popular Muslim name.

Sulaiman: Meaning peace or comfort, Sulaiman is a meaningful Muslim name with a rich history.

Sultan: Meaning king or ruler, Sultan is a popular Muslim name.

Suleiman: Meaning peace or comfort, Suleiman is a meaningful Muslim name with a rich history.

Sumair: Meaning good friend or companion, Sumair is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Suriya: Meaning sun or bright star, Suriya is a popular Muslim name.

Syed: Meaning noble or leader, Syed is a meaningful Muslim name with a rich history.

Saalih: Meaning virtuous or righteous, Saalih is a popular Muslim name.

Sabah: Meaning morning or dawn.

Sabir: Meaning patient or persevering, Sabir is a meaningful Muslim name.

Safi: Meaning pure or clean, Safi is a popular Muslim name.

Safwan: Meaning rock or solid, Safwan is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sahir: Meaning wakeful or aware, Sahir is a popular Muslim name.

Sajid: Meaning worshipper or prostrating, Sajid is a meaningful Muslim name.

Saleem: Meaning safe or secure, Saleem is a popular Muslim name.

Samad: Meaning independent or self-sufficient, Samad is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Samiullah: Meaning exalted or high of Allah, Samiullah is a popular Muslim name.

Sani: Meaning brilliant or splendid, Sani is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sanjeev: Meaning life or soul, Sanjeev is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sarmadullah: Meaning eternal or timeless of Allah, Sarmadullah is a popular Muslim name.

Sartaj: Meaning crown or top, Sartaj is a meaningful Muslim name.

Saudullah: Meaning good fortune or fortune of Allah, Saudullah is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sayf: Meaning sword or weapon, Sayf is a popular Muslim name.

Sayyid: Meaning master or chief, Sayyid is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shaaban: Meaning eighth month of the Islamic calendar, Shaaban is a popular Muslim name.

Shabab: Meaning youth or young person, Shabab is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shabir: Meaning patient or enduring, Shabir is a popular Muslim name.

Shadab: Meaning fresh or green, Shadab is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shafi: Meaning healer or curer, Shafi is a popular Muslim name.

Shaharyar: Meaning king or emperor, Shaharyar is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shahbaz: Meaning white falcon, Shahbaz is a popular Muslim name.

Shahidullah: Meaning witness or martyr of Allah, Shahidullah is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shahmeer: Meaning royal or noble, Shahmeer is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shahzaib: Meaning royal or noble, Shahzaib is a popular Muslim name.

Shaker: Meaning thankful or grateful, Shaker is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shamir: Meaning partner or companion, Shamir is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shamsuddin: Meaning sun of the religion, Shamsuddin is a popular Muslim name.

Sharaf: Meaning honor or nobility, Sharaf is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sharifullah: Meaning noble or honorable of Allah, Sharifullah is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shaukatullah: Meaning dignity or honor of Allah, Shaukatullah is a popular Muslim name.

Shawqi: Meaning passion or enthusiasm, Shawqi is a meaningful Muslim name.

Shehbaz: Meaning king or ruler, Shehbaz is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shehryar: Meaning king or emperor, Shehryar is a popular Muslim name.

Sher: Meaning lion, Sher is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sherif: Meaning noble or distinguished, Sherif is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Shibli: Meaning writer or author, Shibli is a popular Muslim name.

Shuja: Meaning brave or courageous.

Sikandar: Meaning defender or conqueror, Sikandar is a meaningful Muslim name.

Siraj: Meaning lamp or light, Siraj is a popular Muslim name.

Soban: Meaning a place of flowers, Soban is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sufyan: Meaning fasting or abstaining, Sufyan is a popular Muslim name.

Sulaiman: Meaning peaceful or peaceful one, Sulaiman is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sultan: Meaning ruler or king, Sultan is a popular Muslim name.

Suroor: Meaning happiness or joy, Suroor is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Syed: Meaning leader or chief, Syed is a popular Muslim name.

Saad: Meaning happiness or good fortune, Saad is a meaningful Muslim name.

Saadullah: Meaning good fortune or happiness of Allah, Saadullah is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Saahir: Meaning wakeful or alert, Saahir is a popular Muslim name.

Saalim: Meaning safe or peaceful, Saalim is a meaningful Muslim name.

Saamir: Meaning entertaining or pleasant, Saamir is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sabah: Meaning morning or dawn, Sabah is a popular Muslim name.

Sabeeh: Meaning beautiful or handsome, Sabeeh is a meaningful Muslim name.

Sabirullah: Meaning patient or persevering of Allah, Sabirullah is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sabri: Meaning patient or enduring, Sabri is a popular Muslim name.

Safdar: Meaning brave or courageous, Safdar is a meaningful Muslim name.

Saffar: Meaning traveler or journeyer, Saffar is a unique and meaningful Muslim name.

Sahl: Meaning easy or simple, Sahl is a popular Muslim name.

Saifullah: Meaning sword of Allah, Saifullah is a meaningful Muslim name.

Salah: Meaning prayer or supplication, Salah is a popular Muslim name.

Saleh: Meaning good or virtuous, Saleh is a meaningful Muslim name.

Salman: Meaning safe or secure, Salman is a popular Muslim name.

Sami: Meaning high or exalted, Sami is a meaningful Muslim name.

Samir: Meaning entertaining or pleasant, Samir is a popular Muslim name.

vsSanad: Meaning support or backing, Sanad is a meaningful Muslim name.

In conclusion, these are the top 100 Muslim boy names starting with the letter "S". Each of these names has a unique meaning and significance, and any of them would make a great choice for parents looking for a meaningful and distinctive names for their son.

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