Do Your Homework!

(Shakira Nandini, Oporto)

Article of the Week

The times that we have come to follow and live in have set different demands and varying examples where planning has come to play a huge role in lives of everyone and major decisions have to be taken considering several facts and figures that follows the competition involved in all the aspects of life. Children are the building blocks of the nation as well as family, and in order to see them successful in life and enable them to take their decisions in a healthy and positive way it is important that parents plan out things well in advance by understanding the perspectives and thoughts of their child.

Planning for the future of the child is imperative and much needed in today's scenario. Parents need to be emotionally and mentally prepared in order to accept and welcome the decision of their child, both emotionally and financially. This shall not only motivate, but also make the child as well the parents confident about the future endeavors. Thus we can see that it is important for parents to have a thought process of planning their kids' future. They are the best guides for their children and have the best understanding of the likes and dislikes of their children, and must be prepared for meeting the desired wish of their child.

Parents are the pillars of the success of their children and should help their children in all the aspects of their growth and development, with education being the most important one. They should assist their children by doing their homework in all spheres. Parents should look properly after the needs and necessities of their children, be it assisting them with their homework, sports or outdoor activities, or enhancing their creative and presentation skills. This shall make the child confident and presentable and enable the child to learn the useful skills in a better way.

The upbringing matters a lot in the lifestyle of a person and shaping a child is like shaping a clay pot, it gets moulded into the desired direction and therefore the direction should be according to the aspirations, and expectations that one has from oneself, and here Axis Mutual Fund

#DoYourHomework comes out as a big support and relief in shaping the fulfillment of the desires. The website assists parents in a great way in which they can plan and calculate the estimated costs they would need to meet the educational needs of their children.

Thus, it is essential for parents to plan and work upon their kids from the initial days itself and help them to analyse and develop their skills in a positive direction giving them a wise view of the life that would enable them to scale gracious heights in the journey life and achieve their goals in flying colours.

Dr. Shakira Nandini
About the Author: Dr. Shakira Nandini Read More Articles by Dr. Shakira Nandini: 203 Articles with 215286 views I am settled in Portugal. My father was belong to Lahore, He was Migrated Muslim, formerly from Bangalore, India and my beloved (late) mother was con.. View More