The Prince

(Sahar Riaz, Islamabad)

Characters designed by the writer (SAHAR RIAZ) - professional animator and designer

“Once upon a time, there was a Prince… He was so powerful and handsome…” It was ME !!
The blue ink pen screamed while dreaming. It was lying at the center of the cupboard.
“Oh! I was dreaming”, the pen said after opening its eyes. The pen sat with the wall and began to think. It was feeling sad because it was alone in the cupboard. It started crying for a while. Its tears fell on the cupboard’s floor.
Tip…tip…tip… The sound was heard. It was sneezing as well. “A… a…. a…. chu….”
Suddenly the ink pen spoke up.
“Ahh… beautiful were those days when I was in the hands of chubby, intelligent and hardworking students. I was kept safe in the school bags. I miss my friends. The eraser, ruler, sharpener and the pencil were my best friends. Pencil was so beautiful. I loved her smartness.
Ohh… she was sooo beautiful. We lived together and enjoyed a lot.”
The pen smiled and wiped off its tears while thinking of that pencil. The pen was imaging while thinking. The imagined that the pencil was smiling with her shinning eyes. Her cheeks were sparkling with glitteriest shine. She was dressed in yellow color.
The ink pen sighed and again began to think and spoke:
“My master used to give me blue drink that was thick and sour in taste. But it was yummy that filled my tummy. When he moved me over the paper, I splashed the blue ink with my nose to produce text along the movement of his hand. My master loved me while writing text on the paper. When my tummy was seen empty, he refilled it with that drink.”
The ink pen gave sad expressions and said:
“I am jealous now. My master has left me”
The ink pen started thinking once again. After sometime it said:
“I was famous and everybody loved to keep me specially the students used me for writing every day. But one day there came my enemy “the ball point”. It was yellow in color. It was different from me in many ways. Ball point was smarter than me and was much quicker as well as active. It already had blue drink in its tummy. My master used it for writing in their classrooms, examination and at home. They started loving my enemy that has taken my place. It was not bad in spraying blue drink on the paper as I did.
My master threw me in the cupboard. I am lying here for long.”
The ink pen closed its eyes and imagined that the ball point was dancing on the table where the master was sitting for studying.

Sahar Riaz
About the Author: Sahar Riaz Read More Articles by Sahar Riaz: 32 Articles with 60867 views Being a professional designer and animator, I have completed my studies in designing i-e graphic designing, web designing and animation. Specializatio.. View More