Girl or Traped Bird

(uzma kiran, Gilgit)

A bird trapped in a cage, continuously looking outside and staring as if someone could help it out, but alas! No one is there to help it, it gets weak, fed up of staring others and laid down, abruptly a dark shadow falls on the bird and it seeing a glitter of hope rolls its eye balls slowly towards the shadow; it was about blur and at an instant got sharp. It was a gentle man spreading a wide smile on his face, the birds hope was getting to its peak, it was feeling likely to succeed to get out of cage and indeed the man took bird out of cage the birds heart was pounding, but it had nothing to say, it stared the man with so much love its eyes were showing gratitude to man, the man took it to his home and nurtured it well, after two months early in the morning the man took the bird and went outside the home, the bird was in dilemma because the man never took it out side in the morning. The man pulled it to the same shop from where it was being borrowed the person glanced at the bird giving a strange sight and so the bird.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa…… the voice echoed and the bird was again trapped and was being sold out again. It was a matter of hard suffocation for the bird.

Now d o we understand meaning of being girl?? A girl is same as a bird trapped in a cage. She is an individual not a thing to be used and then thrown away. World is getting changed and it’s a matter of jubilation that girls are getting freedom, but still an estimate clarifies that about 40% girls are still circumscribed to their homes, when she grows old, she is sell out tagging the name of marriage, she is considered machine of delivering babies, and if she does not give a baby boy she is thrown back and her life becomes even a bigger hell, due to bitter mouths of evil societies. is she really meant for that? Of course, not. Which field is there in world which is not served by a female? Those weird men have no any answer only they say is , woman is just a part of man, so she has no value(with reference to bibi hawa and hazrat adam a.s)and the response should be without bibi hawa was that really possible that today world has 7.3 billion population.

God has made nothing futile, everything has its own value, what we need is to figure out what are we meant for. Women should be given equal freedom as men, they are not meant to lag behind men, and men don not really need to be dominant over women. lot of women have showed their brilliance in each field either its being pilot, engineer, doctor, scientist, mountaineer etc. but this is still not enough , now the time has arrived to show the world holding a pen, utilizing freedom in a fruitful manner.

uzma kiran
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