Address to the muslims

(Allama muhammad yousuf gabriel, wah cantt)

Muslims! I remind you of the saying of the Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon him). He said:"Muslims! I entertain no apprehension that you will fall to idol worship, but what I fear for you is that you might fall into the love of this world". This saying of the Prophet needs most urgent consideration of the Muslims of today in the light of their present love of this world. The other saying of the Holy Prophet of Allah that needs to be considered today in all seriousness is that in which the Prophet said" Poverty is my pride". This saying too needs very serious consideration by the Muslims of today in this age of Baconian wealth-seeking, wealth-priding materialism. Let the Muslims know that this Baconian progress has its peculiar ills, and the peculiar ill has the peculiar remedy. The extreme materialism of this age needs extreme other-worldliness as the remedy on the principle of antithesis. And let it be remembered that Islam interpreted in the terms of merely worldly glory in this age of Baconian materialism will fail as miserably to save this world from the flames of the atomic hell as every other religion of this world has failed. It is high time that the general license of Islam concerning the worldly necessities of life be discriminated from this all-out and all-pervading, Baconian progress, and also, let the Islamic view of knowledge, and contemplation of the works of God, and the subjugation of the natural forces and resources be discerned from the modern Baconian view of these matters. Islam has set certain conditions on every one of those, so that one's eyes can see the great difference that existed between the Baconian and Islamic views. A closer view reveals the difference and predicts the necessity of a fierce collision, so that as a result Islam will completely eradicate every trace of this Baconian atomism and its progress from this world in order to save this mankind from the burning flames of the atomic hell that is the atomic bombs and the atomic radiations, and indeed in order to save its own existence from extinction. It is the notion of otherworldliness that Islam will preach in the light of the Quran. The entire philosophy of the Quran is based on otherworldliness (AAKHIRAT) and let the misunderstandings be cleared, before the atomic bombs begin to burst, or the radiation has changed this earth into a radio--asylum.

Muslims! I remind you of your special and most essential duty: namely, that of the publication of the Quran to the entire world, and of your duty as regards the understanding of the Quran from the view point of the particular situation of this present-day world, and the present day special problems of the world, and acquainting the world with the light of the Quran appearing as a result of your research therein. A difficult work indeed laborious and requiring great genius, yet it has to be done. It is not just sufficient to say that the Quran does not oppose the progress, or that the achievements of this modern science are the exact aim and the object of the Quran. The truth is far from it and needs much deep insight into the mind of the Quran. The Quran never was meant to be a book of materialism. It is wonderful indeed to stand before the flames of atomic hell that are issuing from the Baconian progress, and see them, and then say, does the Quran oppose the progress, nay but the Quran encourages the progress for therein is the glory of the religion of Islam and it is distinguishing feature of Islam. Nay! Islam does not allow this Baconian progress and is its deadliest foe. Islam means to extinguish this atomic fire which is now about to consume this creation of Allah on this earth. Your misunderstanding will only make you a victim of the atomic hell along with the rest of the nations and will not benefit you in any way, nor will it change the course of this Baconian progress which as a rule must culminate in the atomic consumption of this world.

It was Hazrat Immam Shaafi who had said about the chapter Al-Asr, (a chapter of the Quran comprising merely 18 words) that even if no other chapter in the Quran had existed, this chapter alone would have sufficed to give guidance to man. There is yet another chapter in the Quran comprising 36 words, and next in succession to the chapter of Al-Asr, by the name of Al-Homaza. The attention of the followers of the Quran all over the world may now be invited toward this particular chapter of the Quran. If nothing in the Quran had existed besides this chapter, then even it would have sufficed this mankind to know all that could be known or all that was necessary to know about this modern Baconian atomistic materialism from its beginning to its end, its characteristics, its features, and the methods of avoiding its destructive consequences. This is the chapter that a careful understanding of it will surely clear all the misunderstandings which the Muslims today entertain regarding the views of the Quran about this Baconinan progress. Then will everything about it be crystal clear before their eyes, and they will really understand their actual role in this age and will find their destination aright, and then they will work wonders in this world to save this world from the flames of the atomic hell and will indeed save themselves too along with the rest of the nations on earth, and then they will clearly know this age to be the age of Hoamazas and Lomazas, engrossed in accumulation of the wealth of this world believing in the eternity of this process of wealth-increase. And then when they will read this particular chapter of the Quran in the Quran they will wonder and say! Praised be Allah, the revealer of this wonderful Quran, this standing miracle of guidance to mankind, how were we ignorant of it so long.

Experience will show the Muslims that despite all their hearty sincerity, and zeal, and endeavour and strivings, in the revival of Islam, neither much success in the revival of Islam, nor any sign of averting the atomic danger was there in sight so long as this Baconian progress continued. In ordinary circumstances they could have been allowed to continue this kind of experiment, but unfortunately this particular situation of the atomic phenomenon in this world of today would not allow any such margin, and may be that the Muslims realized the truth only when the die was cast and the atomic destiny of this world and their's along with it was spun and they found themselves being broiled in the flames of the atomic hell either under the hails of the atomic bombs or under the stings of the deadly radiations of the atomic-energy-for-peace. Let them dread therefore and shudder at the grievous forbidding of the Quran who happen to know its warning about the atomic hell. And you will realize, if you become the victims of the atomic hell in this world, its horrors, you followers of the Quran, shudder therefore and cry and lament and wail at your misfortune, not indeed so much at your destruction in the flames of the atomic hell, the atomic bombs or the atomic radiations of the atomic energy for peace in this transient world, for the transient punishment will end with the death, but rather shudder at another certainty which the Quran has with all the force declared, namely, that Homaza Lomaza that is the backbiting defamer who amasseth wealth of this world, and arrangeth it against the future, and believeth that his wealth will render him immortal, will certainly be cast into the eternal hell of Hotama in the next world. The easiest thing in this world is to know that this Baconian age is the age of Proud Homaza Lomaza engrossed in wealth-accumulation, and believing in the eternity of this process of progress with its five yearly plans, to infinity, if, therefore, the people of this present generation escape the atomic bombs and the effects of atomic radiations, for there is possibility that some generations of this present mankind might escape the flames of atomic hell. There is no possibility of their escaping the flames of the eternal hell of Hotama of the next eternal world, since the adherents of this Baconian culture fulfill the conditions of the Quran for Hotama. You! that are Muslims could be among the inmates of Hotama, for as the commentators of the Holy Quran point out, there is no consideration for faith in this particular punishment of Al-Hotama and the fact is apparent from the text of the Quran. Read Surah Homaza and read the commentaries of the greatest of the commentators of the Quran and you shall know the dreadful truth. Wake up therefore from your lengthy slumber and consult your safety. Let this particular chapter of the Quran hereafter be the topic of your discussion every way and every where, if you scorn to be consumed as contemptible slaves just dragged behind others equally blind into the atomic jehannah. Read the Quran therefore, carefully and mark your path and determine your destination that perhaps you might be saved from a horrible doom. And even if you do not fear the atomic bombs and the atomic radiations of this world, dread I pray at least the flames of the horrible Hotama of the next world, the eternal world. Begin to read the Quran in reference to this Baconian culture, and know the reality. Muslims! If you fail to publish this particular warning of the Quran (Al-Homaza) as interpreted by me in 3000 pages in English to this mankind then know that double punishment awaits you. In this world you will be consumed by the flames of the atomic hell with the rest of the nations, while in the next world you will stand answerable before the throne of Allah as guilty of failing the Quran and failing the mankind. And if you have read in the Quran the claim of Allah that if this Quran were revealed to the mountains, they would be scattered, then know that this particular chapter of the Quran, this chapter of Al-Homaza, this warning of the Quran to this mankind is a living specimen of the terribleness of the Quran. This chapter, let it be known, is far more powerful than all the stockpiles of the atomic bombs in the world. It can neutralize them, extinguish them. If the Muslims will ignore it, neglect it and will not be able to publish it to the entire mankind of today, then know that this warning of the Quran which has taken me decades to explain and interpret it in 3000 pages, will within the Islamic world hiss, and boil and erupt like a furious volcano and will convulse the areas around it. This warning of the Quran is the last argument of Allah with the doomed mankind, and is, the sole guidance and the only hope of this mankind on earth. It will be deemed as serious neglect on the part of the followers of the Quran and liable to serious providential reprisals.

Muslims! I have warned you, and let Allah be a witness between us regarding this very crucial matter. I ask no reward of you. My reward is with my Allah. Yet if you will deprive this creation of this warning of the Quran ---and to deprive this world now of this sole guidance against the atomic ruin, is grievous--you will be answerable. And it is upto you now whether to stand up against this atomic hell to save this mankind manfully and like true Muslims, or to go slavishly down the atomic hell yourselves behind the enkindlers of atomic hell. The matter is one that warrants serious consideration. May Allah grant you sight, might, spirit and fortitude for such an undertaking. Amen.

Allama muhammad yousuf gabriel
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