Impending scenarios in the country after the Marches

(Mr. Abdul Rehman Meer , Islamabad)

By Mr. AR Meer

Every eye and ear are nowadays viewing and hearing a great hustling and bustling hue and cries throughout the country. The ongoing marches naming Inqlaab March and Azadi March have brought a huge number of Human Ocean like gatherings in the capital of Pakistan to protest against the electoral system of the election 2013. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf contested in the election 2013. On the other hand Pakistan Awami Tehreek rejected the electoral system blaming that it needs to be reformed and the election commission must be impartial in all ways so Dr. Tahirul Qadri staged a nation-wide protest against the system. People from all around the world seem sagacious of making their own presumption, opinions and analysis about the happenings of these two Marches.

Imran Khan the Chairman PTI also started protest in different parts of the country blaming that the election 2013 was conducted unfairly and impartially by the commission. The PAT and the PTI separately started nation-wide agitations against the government and demanded to probe the corruption. Imran Khan announced civil disobedient if his demands are not accepted by the government. Imran Khan blames election cannot be conducted fairly in presence of the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Islamabad is now full of supporters of PTI and PAT just sitting on roads to demand their rights from the government. Both the parties want the PM to be resigned from his office. The PAT has a strong view against the PM and the CM Punjab for the killings in Lahore. They claim that both the brothers Nawaz Sharif the PM and Shehbaz Sharif the CM are equally responsible for the raid at Model Town which martyred fourteen PAT workers. Most of the people in the sit-in are of the view that being the PM and the CM the Sharif brothers must not have ordered the police to raid upon the peaceful protestors. Dr. Tahirul Qadri has also a strong resentment against Sharif brothers and blames them to be the most responsible persons as they have disturbed and snatched their rights of peaceful protest. He says that Sharif brothers have violated the constitution and attacked upon one of the articles e.g. freedom of expression.

PTI is now a strong and famous political party because of the new generation. His March is mostly consisted upon university and college students and their families. People from all the four provinces, Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir have joined both the parties. Most of the PTI supporters are of the view that if election was conducted unfairly even at a single polling station it means the whole system was corrupt. So they want electoral reform and mid-term election under a fair and refined election commission. They seem very sincere and obedient to their leader.

Behind the scenario the government seems to be reluctant to accept the demands of neither PTI nor the PAT. The PMLN leaders consider they were elected through ballots. They blame Imran Khan and Dr. Tahirul Qadri both are taking steps against the constitution.

The people throughout the country have been facing a lot of problems due to the ongoing political agitations. Thousands of people have been arrested. The utilities have scarcely available in markets. Vegetables and other commodities are available on sky rocketing prices. The poor can’t afford such price and are unable to run their domestic issues. Markets, industries, offices are being closed and the workers and daily wagers are starving as they don’t have other source of income. All these glitches generate rigidities amongst the people and they allege the government for their agonies.

Now is the time, the government must come on one point agenda to resolve the national issues and bring up the state tackling the present political crisis. The PM may resign from his office just for the sake of the nation. If he does so it will sanctify his majesty among the people. This is the crucial time for the PM to positively take decisions for the survival of his political life. All the parties can form a national government to tackle the tensing issues by alleviating corruption and injustice. They must consign to make independent civil institutions like the police, election commission, and judiciary eliminating political affiliations from these institutions.

The formation of national government must be impartial and it must comprise technocrats, bureaucrats, army persons, political leaders. All these people may smoothly run the government for at least one and half year. During this short span they must alleviate corruption, injustice, inequality and must maintain discipline among all the political and national institutions. After this tenure, they must conduct election throughout the country under the supervision of the national government and the law enforcing agencies. There must not any objection from any of the political parties on the formation of the national government so that a revolutionary reform should be made possible in the country.

The judiciary is the chief pillar of the nation so it must be sovereign making impartial judgments to restore the constitution. The constitution cannot function properly unless the judiciary is independent and nonpolitical. This is the tangible soul of democracy that justice and relief should be given to all the people equally and justly.

To sum up, if positive decisions are not made to resolve the ongoing agitations and protests. It may overlong for many days and if the federal government take violent steps to disperse the people from Islamabad then it may generate tsunami tensions throughout the country. Whatever happens or occur during the sit-in in the capital, the PMLN government would be responsible because they are the ruling authority. They must utilize their sagacity to resolve such crisis contacting the protesting political parties. If the government emotionally takes any dissipated step it would ultimately abolish their political morals. So the government needs to be sagacious and vigilant for the upshots. Peaceful protest is the right of all the citizens of the nation so the government should be able to resolve the demands of the people disregarding violent decisions. Otherwise a truly revolution may generate throughout the country if even a single person is killed in front of the parliament house.

AR Mir
About the Author: AR Mir Read More Articles by AR Mir: 31 Articles with 59764 views I am a columnist, writer, social activist, researcher and a Lecturer in English Language and Literature at University level. .. View More