Self And Selfie

(Syed Musarrat Ali, Karachi)

When I heard about the world Selfie first time, my instant thinking was that it is something to do with Secrets of Self (Asar-i-Khudi), the first poetry book of Iqbal published in 1915. But as I watched on CNN President Obama posing for a Selfie during a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela last December.

I corrected my thought that this Selfie is not that of Iqbal. This Selfie is simply a photograph that one captures typically of oneself with a Smartphone to upload on social media for the purpose of self exhibit. President Obama is not an exception and due to natural instinct even I would like to do the same at some special occasions.

Self in general is a composition of two elements i.e. “I” and “Me”. “I” stand for the definition, description and unlimited detailed explanation of one self’s good or bad characteristics according to his perception while “Me” is the perceptions of others regarding all these characteristics. In both the cases it is not easy to pass a concrete judgment about one’s personality which is known by The Creator who does not require any uploaded photograph in any color, style or with any celebrity at some occasion. He understands the Selfie of each and every creature, the invisible characteristics of the soul which is not readable by any humanly gadget. If I conceive the perception of my soul which can be photographed, only then it will be possible to uplift its level to the one needed to a bit closer to The Creator’s wish.

We can escalate our Self to an unlimited height level just like Will Power to an unlimited strength except the difference of wishful targets are set for Will Power and not for Self enhancement. Secrets of Self are not related to wishful thinking, rather these are based upon the refinement of our spirit, cleaner and purer the spirit better is the human according to the standards set by The Creator. Today our souls are so much polluted that we have to take shelter of our skeleton’s appearance, the photograph. It can only deceive ourselves and cannot necessarily create an impact of an ideal human. We have to work on purification of our souls to be better human and the beautiful world in result.

Syed Musarrat Ali
About the Author: Syed Musarrat Ali Read More Articles by Syed Musarrat Ali: 126 Articles with 115772 views Basically Aeronautical Engineer and retired after 41 years as Senior Instructor Management Training PIA. Presently Consulting Editor Pakistan Times Ma.. View More