We should wait now !

(Syed Musarrat Ali, Karachi)

I was created to first understand myself and then the other creatures coming across in my life. But it was not possible without the “Help and Guidance” of the Creator. To imply “Help and Guidance” the creator utilized so many of his creations within the universe which is being explored since the day one. As described in almost all the manuals of “Help and Guidance” the main tool to exercise his by-laws was fortunately the same “Creature” i.e. “The Human Being” despite unlimited “Angels” and “Jinnat” etc. Mind it these were not ordinary tools like me rather were very special, hence called as “Messengers” who were fully equipped with “Help and Guidance Manuals”.

The broad concept and the basic features of all these Manuals were to improvise the mental architecture of this specie of creatures (social animal) so that he behaves like “Human” with others i.e. all creatures of the whole universe.

Every creation is mortal, hence after discontinuation of “Messengers” the above stated “Help and Guidance Manuals” were manipulated by Scholars to project their individual philosophies and individual thoughts which is the main cause of chaos on this planet “Earth”.

Now the result of this chaos due to confusion in the mental architecture of Human is that Creator’s Best Creature “Human” is not behaving humanly.

Prior to entering into debate of manipulations of scholars to project their personal philosophies and individual thoughts, there is another very basic issue, which is the language, used by the above mentioned scholars. Believe me and I am sure most of the readers will agree with me that whichever book picked up is written using the most difficult vocabulary just to prove that the writer is highly capable, hence the reader must reach that level of literacy first and then touch that book, may it be in any language. Not only this but now in electronic media whenever there is a debate or lecture of scholars even they try to use the most complicated vocabulary to prove the superiority of each other without taking care of the essence of the message regarding the issue. And again it may be in any language.

So the real problem of a serious and sincerely curious reader or the viewer becomes the knowledge of that language first which creates irritation and the real interest is lost gradually.

My basic problem is that “Direct Translation” of Holy Quran is done according to the thoughts, capabilities or
perception of an individual scholar. Let us be very specific. I will begin from the direct translation of Holy Quran. It is true that most of the scholars has translated each Arabic word in a similar Urdu / English word but fortunately or unfortunately I have noticed the meaning of a word totally differ from each other which not only changes the whole concept of philosophy of Islam and this I am talking about “Direct Translation”, so what to talk about further explanation i.e. Tashreeh, Hashias or Tafseer?

Example: Arabic word “Nafs” Reference: Chap.2 Surah.2 Verse.54. This word has been translated as “Person” by most of the scholars where as some has translated as “Inner Self”. I am not mentioning honorable names of the scholars purposely reason being that I am a very little common person as far as knowledge is concerned.

Now the confusion is obvious because when Allah says in above verse that kill the persons means to kill physically, whereas to kill the Inner Self means correction of wrong doing. May I stress on the point that this is about direct translation and when details of this word is seen, it is clearly written that seventy thousand persons were killed for the wrong doing of worshipping the Yellow Calf in the era of Moses. The followers did this wrong doing when Moses went to talk to Allah at Koh-e-Toor (Name of a hill) and stayed there for forty days. The followers of Moses called Jews and the condition was applicable for the correction of wrong doing called “Forgiveness”.

I think we “The Muslims” are doing the equivalent wrong doings since long and are happy that we will not be dealt similarly because we are followers of Mohammad (SAW). This is only an excuse to prove ourselves superior to Jews by creating discrimination in application of Allah’s rule.

I am not going far back in the history but very confidently start since 1947.Though I was born the same year but the history told to me right from the horse’s mouth does not synchronize with the written text books’ history. Let us not go into debate of difference of opinion because it is on both categories. We must see according to by-in-large formula. Let us begin with a sequence as follows:-
Whatever I am going to say now is my conviction and everyone has the right to give his opinion but off course I cannot force others to agree with me that is why at the age of about 20 in early 60s, when I started to express myself among my colleagues, they used to become very angry and some of them wanted to beat me. The point was that very few (10 to12) Muslim families of the sub-continent wanted to have a separate land to flourish their business as they were not capable of competing Tata and Birla like giants. The Hindus wanted that whatever loss and damage to the wealth of subcontinent is done by East India Company should be stopped now; they should go back but the business relations should be maintained for future prosperity of India. On the other hand Muslim business tycoons approximately eight at that time exploited the so called Muslims by giving them a slogan “Pakistan ka mutlub kia Lailahaillallah” and that was the turning point. Countries have broken apart; countries have joined hands to live as on state but no country has come into existence on the basis of religion as the religion does not require any boundary.

The above mentioned slogan ignited a fire which not only killed millions of humans but lifetime hatred took place. Selfishness of Muslim business community at that time even agreed the division of Bengal, Punjab and Kashmir. I cannot understand that such a wise and great person like Mohammad Ali Jinah could accept a country with two legs apart thousands of miles i.e. West & East Pakistan and a serious cancer near the neck i.e. Kashmir “Shah rug”. The great poet Allama Mohammad Iqbal always said “The whole world is ours, not only China, Arab or India. But the backing of Muslim Businessmen was the Muslim Politicians who are lying with ordinary people till today as Muslims Politics means to make a fool of anyone and they are not honest even to the country they live in.

There was another group of people called Scholars of Islam. These scholars have totally different views of Quran and Sunnah as I mentioned right in the beginning that translation of certain Arabic words is totally different from each other. These groups existed even before the partition of sub-continent but they used to unite at on ideology whenever there was a conflict with non-Muslims. Black sheep amongst these groups were multiplying day by day by getting different types of rewards from rulers of that era and now these groups are countless in Pakistan. They misguided honest and true leaders like Mohammad Ali Jinah and have brought this nation at a point of shamefulness throughout the globe.

Anyway after taking the separate land those 10-12 business families grew up to 22 families when General Ayub Khan took over to rectify all the snags created by these Businessmen and Islamic Scholars. Later on due to multiple reasons these corrupt elements grew like mushroom and were in hundreds at the time of General Zia’s Marshal Law. He followed the footsteps of his predecessor but with a tighter control of so called Islam. Corrupt and dishonest Government cannot run without the coordination of corrupt Economists and Self made and Dishonest Exploiters of Islam. The result is that now at present we have whole country under total control of these corrupt and dishonest elements which are obviously in Majority and which is the beauty of Democracy because the same elements are in opposition as well.

Now let us come back to the initial point that whether we deserve the same punishment as was given to followers of Moses or U.S Aircraft career anchored in Arabian Sea can serve the purpose of Noah’s boat in this flood which is the history’s worst flood. I don’t think so as neither there is any person like Noah nor any group like followers of Noah. Some people say that this is a time for our test “Yeh Imtehan Ka Waqt Hay”, some say it is a warning from God, some say this is the time for pray of forgiveness “Astaghfar” and some say these are the signs of Dooms Day “Qiamat”.
I do not agree with any of the above and fully convinced that we have been given warnings since 1948 till today but we were proud and only proud to be follower “Ummati” of Mohammad (SAW) without following his orders practically rather cheating and cheating and cheating only. So the time has come for punishment and this time punishment will be as a whole like Qaum-e-Aad and Qaum-e-Samood and not like Bani Israel.

Well, this is my viewpoint, you may differ and if you cannot tolerate the reality in my perspective, you can kill me; you may go to Heaven and I ---------------------------? Or we may see each other in ------------!

Syed Musarrat Ali
About the Author: Syed Musarrat Ali Read More Articles by Syed Musarrat Ali: 126 Articles with 115835 views Basically Aeronautical Engineer and retired after 41 years as Senior Instructor Management Training PIA. Presently Consulting Editor Pakistan Times Ma.. View More