Ehtasaab Bureau and Enemies of Change

(Junaid Ansari, Mir Pur)

Those who are corrupt in any sense of the word, try their utmost to impede the process of Accountability in the society. They employ all weapons of conspiracy and obstruction to enforce their nefarious designs which are fostered by their usurped resources, particularly their influence, wealth and authority. This is what is being enacted and witnessed these days in and around Ehtasaab Bureau. Ever since the present Chairman Justice Syed Hussain Mazhar Kaleem Shah took over charge of the Bureau in January 2012,the shady elements have become active as they are being haunted and booked for their acts of tax evasion, non payment of loans and utility bills, plundering of public funds, money laundering, embezzlements, frauds/forgeries and usurpations of rights of helpless citizens, resulting from misuse of power, discrimination and torturous delays in granting remedies. Those affected or about to be affected by the relentless efforts of the Chairman have started gathering for creating hurdles in the way of this crusade.

The Chairman is re-structuring the Bureau and taking great pains to set the house in order, including the weeding out the dead-wood. The state of affairs in the organization and the operations being carried out are being placed before the print and electronic media in a very transparent manner. No sensible citizen can harbor any doubt about the most lucid. Sane , practical and progressive plans which the Chairman is cherishing to execute with out any fear and hesitation. His vigor and courage have not found favor with the vested interest and their supporters who are already afoot for smoldering rumors and spreading sinister suggestions. A crop of opposition is being grown against the valiant Chairman.

It is time that the civil society and all the law-abiding citizens of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, as a moral and social obligation, lend their full support to the Chairman and his noble endeavors. Only an un-fettered and cease less pursuit of the lofty objectives envisaged by the Chairman can lead to a really perceptible and lasting impact on the health of the institutions and on the quality of life of the people of Azad Kashmir.

It is a redeeming feature of the present situation that the President Sardar Yaqoob Khan and Prime Minister Ch. Abdul Majeed and the Leader of the opposition Raja Farooq Haider Khan have chosen to give iron-clad protection to the Chairman and his Mission Statement.

Most of us talk about and condemn corruption day in and day out. Let us join the struggle and stare the evils out of their countenance. The ray of hope in the form of Ehtasaab Bureau led by its present Chairman is not to be turned back and be-dimmed lest we are made to be come subservient to the will of the criminal lot. There is no real freedom in the society unless we fight the corruption tooth and nail. The example of Singapore in modern times is a great example which has proven that the task is not at all impossible provided the will is there. We must remember, we have no choice either we change and grow or we decay and dismantles.

The change being wrought by Justice Syed Hussain Mazhar Kaleem Shah, the Chairman of the Bureau is going to be perceptible and massive one because only such a formidable change can produce great results. Those who yarn to see him as a docile, weak person are definitely in the midst of an ever-increasing dismay. In order that his efforts are crowned with a palpable success, we all have a role to play. History will not forgive us if we just linger on in anguish and do noting to see the culprits crumbling. Those who have already pledged their support for the great cause should now, in a forthright manner, ensure that their support does not wither away at any stage and under any circumstances. Let us all prove that enemies of Change are enemies of the society as the vital interest of the people involved.

Junaid Ansari
About the Author: Junaid Ansari Read More Articles by Junaid Ansari: 425 Articles with 340377 views Belong to Mirpur AJ&K
Anchor @ JK News TV & FM 93 Radio AJ&K
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