(Shah Nawaz Bokhari, Rawalpindi)

Women’s Rights
The women’s right does not mean that they have to change their natural responsibilities in pre-existence society or culture. It will definitely they play due role according to customs or norms. The women’s rights have been protected in each constitution. We have to review to the women’s rights in India in three aspects. In light of analysis, what is the actual circumstance is prevailing in existed culture of India. There are hundreds of women has been rape and many of them kidnaped in India a year. Only few cases of rape have been registered. This is the failure of Criminal Justice system in India. Unfortunately, women Rights have been violated in India with the help of immersion of political parties. This anarchy is very wide. The harassment, abuses, intimidation for female workers in workplace is a common anarchy. The victimizing to women or dominant her physic may acquire ulterior motives. However, the women who have been working in Show-baize industry share their life experiences in me-too (or twitters). The different actress had been harassment, threat intimidation during acquire work by their producers in different circumstances. On the other hand, a huge human trifling (kidnapping of women) is involving in particular south and west part of India but no one to stop this practice. Unfortunately, human rights especially women rights have been violated in India under the supervision of politician. It is big dilemma for the entire Indian societies.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
The Indian Supreme Court had succinctly been struck down section 377 (Indian Penal code) and to allowed transgender relationship even same sex relationship. It is big verdict given by the Indian Supreme Court. There is no victimizing by the police force rather protection given to them. The Transgender (Protection Rights Act 2018) had passed by the Indian Parliament. However, some part of south Indian state has been criticized by the Supreme Court verdict. Sexual orientation and gender identity has not allowed before this Supreme Court verdict. The Apex Court verdict is change whole scenario of Indian culture. This verdict is reducing class distinction amidst the people. In my opinion, this verdict is only satisfaction for lust of the people, nothing else.

Disability Rights
On the other hand, the disabled women has been raped and kidnaped is common problem which is worse situation ever before in Indian culture. This practices is scattered every law behind in it even violation of (disability rights) of person’s in the societies. The disable women’s are easily victimizing by the group of hankering people. The manipulations of disable women’s are using for beg and their ulterior motives. I have astonished to hear some members of (bureaucracy) have immersion with rape of disable women’s and they use them for ulterior motives. This glimpse is indicating mindset of protuberant leaders who have not to pay such attention towards poverty rate, literacy rate and crime activities which is going to perdition. Actually, this type of violence is pin-point for what are Hindu politician is doing for the sack of humanity.

shah Nawaz Bokhari
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